March 16, 1952 Dr. Erich Seligmann Beth Israel Hospital Stuyvesant Papk Fast New York 3, N.Y. Dear Dr. Seligmann: I am writing to ask whether you can give me any help or suggestions for securing some cultures for our work in Salmonella genetics. Ny first request concerns 0-variants from normally OH-types, in groups Band D. There seems to be no systematic way of finding such non-motile variants, and I am obliged to seek to take advantage of the incidental observations of a laboratory like yours. We have already worked with a typhiourium 0-form, but if you have access to instances other than those listed by Edwards, they would be quite useful. If the criginal OH- form is still available, this would be helpful, but not essential. | The second point that I am raising (almost in desperation) has to do with the "flagellar phages" originally described by Sertic and Boulgekeky, and later by Rakieten & Bornstein. Rakieten is rather pessimistic about the chances, but I wondered if there were any pcsasibility that you or your colleagues might know something about those phages. I want to thank you for your favors in time past. Your colleagues and yourself may, perhaps; be interested in the enclosed abstract of a forth- coming paper on our work with S. typhimuriua. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Associate Professor of Genetics