AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE SCIENCE 1515 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE, NW, WASHINGTON 5, D.C. © DUPONT 7-7171 August 4, 1959 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, California Dear Dr. Lederberg: Nothing that Science has published in the last two years has occasioned more favorable comment than the series of articles in Current Problems in Research. In the words of one of our readers, a distinguished professor of physics, the articles "which have been following each other in a glorious procession, have given me the greatest pleasure and I look forward to reading SCIENCE with much anticipation". I am writing both to thank you for your own contribution to the "glorious procession" and to ask your cooperation in helping us to select authors for future articles in the series. I scarcely need to describe the qualities we want in authors: ability to write for scientists in fields other than their own about problems and how they are being attacked, mastery of the subject-matter field, and so on. I would appreciate it if you would suggest the names of . possible authors and their subjects on the enclosed form, and return it to me. In thinking of subjects I hope you will bear in mind that the focus is on problems rather than on fields: earthquakes, not geology; superconductivity, not solid state physics, and so on. To turn to a different matter, you may be interested in knowing that it is probable that the Princeton University Press will publish the articles in book form within a year or so. Royalties, if they accrue, will be divided among the authors. Sincerely, Ze YM Graham DuShane Editor GDuS :1w Enclosures