Soop Columbia University in the City of New York DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY March 20, 1961 Dear Josh and Esther: T am belatedly catching up on neglected correspondence. You have been on my mind since I came back to New York. I want to thank you both for all the pleasant times we had together during my recent rather fabulous sojourn in Palo Alto. As I may have mentioned, both problems I had been playing with finally broke - and gave some positive answers — just the last few days. The presence of rather decent amounts of protochlorophyll in the dark-grown mutants makesit feasibhe to try to isolate the chloroplast—lamella-forming machinery from Chlamydomonas, In other words, a method is available to study organelle formation in vitro and I am very tempted to go into it. wl WROES Judging from all the press releases, as well as from Francis, you are both coming to New York soon, and I am looking forward to seeing you. How about the theatre? I'd like to take you to something in honor of Hamilton and all that. Drop me a line about what you would like to see and I'll get tickets. By the way, I'll be in Atlantic City from Monday to Friday of that week - I hope I don't miss you on that account. Let me know, Fondly, .“) / Nuk