sagen Columbia Gniversity inthe Citpof Rew Pork MEW YORK 27, N. Y. DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY December 8, 1957 Dear Joshs At Woods Hole a few summers ago, you suggested to me a chromosomal mechanisr to explain the behavior of my non-Mendelizing strep. resistant mutants. I recall that { considered at the time that my data overruled your hypothesis, but now I no longer recall the hypothesis itself. If you still do entertain that view or any other, as an alternative to the non-chromosomal mechanism which I have pro- posed, I would apprecaite a note from you about it, for I am now in the process of organizing and writing up some recent data on this system, and I wish to consider all alternativis which have been suggested. With best regards to yourself and Esther, As ever, Cal