THE ROCKEFELLER INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH 66TH STREET ANĀ° YORK AVENUE NEW YORK 21, M. Y. May 12, 1954 Dear Lederbergs; It occurs to me that you might find useful a gadget which I devised and employ regularly for the isolation of zygotes, vegetative cells and microcclonies. 1 des- scribed this implement in MGB but since you remarked that you never read it, | will sali your attention to MGB #7, page 55. st seems to me the description is complete enough, but probably lacks dramatic appeal. wo Tl will add the fact that babies cry for them, visitors to the lab take them away for souvenirs, and that for the purpose of transporting single cells from agar to angwhere else, a dozen of them mounted on a plastic block, represent a cheap and effective substitute for any micro- manipulator. The purpose of this note, however, is really to tell you how much I enjoyed the first advances towards friendship and beyond a mere nodding acquaintanceship made at Oak ridge. I hope you do come to Woods Hole this summer and that this process may there be continued,