THE CHILDRENS HOSPITAL RESEARCH FOUNDATION CINCINNATI. OHIO 293 ELLAND AVE.AND BETHESDA DEPARTMENT OF PEDIATRICS COLLEGE OF MEDICINE UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI March 1, 1957 Dr, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics The University of Wisconsin College of Agriculture Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Joshua: Thank you very much for sending me 2 copies of the paper that you prepared for the Texas Symposium, I read it with great interest last night. It is, of course, your usual fine exposition on the subject of "Viruses, Genes and Cells" but I was rather sorry to note that it touched only very lightly and most indirectly on the title which appears in the program, namely: "Viruses as Transducing Agents and Their Potential Significance in Cancer", I think your suggestion that your article be mimeographed and distributed to the participants is an excellent one and I hope that Dr, Dmochowski will consider this, If Dr. Dmochowski should ask me to read your paper as a means of starting further discussion on the subject listed in the program, I shall be glad to do so and shall follow your suggestion by leaving out the first 3 pages of your manuscript, Many thanks also for sending me a copy of your private communication regarding your work on bacterial protoplasts, While your findings in themselves represent most important new contributions I am particularly delighted to note that in your usual fine fashion you are intro- ducing the unifying, conceptual principles that have been lacking up to the present time, With best wishes for a pleasant and profitable trip. Sincerely yours, Whe Albert B, Sabin, M. D. ABS:meh ™ ec: Dr, Leon Dmochowski