UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE MADISON 6, WISCONSIN SCHOOL OF HOME ECONOMICS DEPARTMENT OF FOODS AND NUTRITION July 12, 1961 Dr, Joshua Lederberg 2 Department of Genetics AW School of Medicine , a Stanford University ‘. 5 \ Palo Alto, California 0 We” 8 Dear Dr, Lederberg: > > N\ . u ‘ oe Thank you very much for sending us the transplant of Salmonella a typhimurium LT#1 No, 84, I have gone back to the original records and find that you supplied X vel us with the original strain which we had on the 20th of October, 1948. At the same time you gave us the S, typhimurium, you also gave us transplants of S. pullorum, 8S, montevideo, S. enteritides, and S, gallinorum, The student noted that the S. typhimurium was strain 84 and was isolated from a man in Dorchester, England, in 1946, She gives a rather incomplete reference concerning the strain as , S Lilleengen, K., Typing of Salmonella typhimurium by means of bac- >| terlophage, Stockholm, 1948, page 67, * = I have talked with Dr. Joe Wilson about this atrain, and it avpears a that in his stock collection he has an organism which is a first . , variant from the parent strain, His strain is labeled 8411, and the fs I refers to the fact that there is some colony variation from the . parent. We had thus started to use his strain before yours arrived, & but we shall make some tests using both, Thank you very much for your helpfulness in this matter, With cordial personal greetings to you and Mrs, Lederberg, I am, Most sincerely, WG ore TE, af. bt ai Dorothy it Strong, Chairman Department of Feods ani Nutrition DHS: pbg Enclosure ee Acta pothel. Scand . Syp leomet 17.