August Im 1959 Dear Dr. Sterz!: Thank you for your Interesting letter of July 23, just received. Perhaps Miss O'Connor at Ciba/London will have been able meanwhile to send you a copy of my written reply as submitted for the symposium publication. Let me say first how Important ! think your experiment Is, since {t does represent almost the only quantitative evaluation of cellu- lar performance. At the same time ! would not become too frantic over tts Implications until some of the Indicated numbers were more explicitly conf lgmed. If we accept your calculations, which sre perhaps favoreblg biased, we may then come to the main Issue, the potential productivity of a single anti- body-forming cell. You quote Berenblum at 6 x 10-!2 g/day but | wonder If this 1s not too small. Dixon calculated @ yield ebout 10° Og per cell (J Exp Med 102:579)(he writes; g, by the way, for mg): this figure would be based on every cell being active; on the other hand, it does not take account of possible proliferation. In any cease, | would assume that a plasma cell has a weight of about 1079 g., and would expect It to be capable of producing # major fraction of its own weight in antibody. It will, of course, be Important to get precise values for this parameter, as' should be possible before long. In rabbits, a globulin pool of about | gm Is turned over In 5 days by 5-10 gms. of lymphoid cells. This would give a basal rate of ebout 2 x TO" 1) gm ab/cell/day and | would think this would be much higher In specially stimulated and mature plasma celés. 1 do not heve Berenbaum's peper close at hand; our medical school Jibrary Is preparing to be moved to @ new building on the campus here-- where | hope to have some opportunity to show you sround before too long. Turning to your calculations, | would read 28 x kO w 10,240 cells., after h days. But the total number of call-days will be your figure ~ 5000. 1 do not know what to think of the expected rate of division; ! agree that you ere probably not underestimating It, but these cells may well do better, for a time, than Puck's tissue cultures. 1 do not think 5000 (Talmace's figure) Is un- realistic for the ratio of (total antibody species)/(antibody species reacting with your antigen), which is the relevant figure. Perhaps, as we discussed, the ratio Is even smaller in your particular case owing elther to past experience of the donor rabbits with cross-reacting antigens, or to a genetically determined preference that would have nad some adaptive value In evolution. ! will of course be very pleased to hear of the progress of your experiments along these lines. Thank you for sending me the comment, and please do let me know(when the right time comes) how | can facilitate your visiting us. § am not now planning to visit Europe next year, but twill likewise keep you Informed of any usef6} opportunity. Or. Nossal is arriving In a few weeks to continue our collaboration. You will doutctless see him in 1961 (t hope sooner) If he can arrange to return to Australia via Central Europe. : Yours cordially, } Joshua Lederberg a