ee CESKOSLOVENSKA AKADEMIE vED BIOLOGICKY USTAV PRAHA 5.DESVICE, No evicilti ¢. 2 L Vale snatha Vie telefon 320-143 —4 Prof Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Stanford, California Vai dopis 3 Naie enatks Praha July 23, 1959 Dear Prof.Lederberg, as I have promised to you at Royamount I send you.the part of my contribution to discussion , in which I have tried to esti- . mate quantitatively one of the assumptions of the clonal selection theorye I would like to hear your opinion now when you have the written figures. I send my best regards to your wife and you and hope that when you come next year to Europe you will certainly visit Prague. Yours sincerely . / l ihe Zepe e Vyviauje