y f: Had e . TY: vinden pret MONTANA STATE COLLEGE BOZEMAN DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY AND BACTERIOLOGY March 14, 1959 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Palo—Aite, California Stan he , Dear Dr. Lederberg: We are interested in obtaining some flagellated, non- motile strains of bacteria such as the strain of Salmonella sandiego and the 3, 15:eh strain reported by Bruner and Edwards in 1946. A letter to Dr. Bruner elicited the information that he no longer had these strains and he referred us to Dr. Edwards. Dr. Edwards has also lost them but suggested that you might possibly have them. If you should have cultures of these flagel- lated, nonmotile strains, we would very much appreciate receiving transplants. Sincerely yours, Deus 4) 2 Bar 1t 7 Louis DS. Smith Professor and Head LDSS:fs . MONTANA STATE coud 1s A UNIT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA. THE OTHER COMPONENT INSTITUTIONS OF WHICH ARE MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY AT MISSOULA, MONTANA SCHOOL OF MINES AT BUTTE, WESTERN MONTANA COLLEGE OF EDUCATION AT DILLON, EASTERN MONTANA COLLEGE OF EDUCATION AT BILLINGS, AND NORTHERN MONTANA COLLEGE AT HAYRE E> 2 SIX SUK US