February 27, 1964 Dr. Eric M. Shooter 34 Carlton Road Redhill, Surrey Dear Eric: Are you beginning to make definite plans about returning to Stanford? We are looking forward to having you here, and have been able to reserve a lab module for you in the basement complex, Major Len NB Exoblology Instruments Herzenberg! about 22_% 30 | Office From our standpoint, the soonest possible is best. The new building is well started — at present itiis a very large, deep and nofsy hole into which they are just starting to pour concrete, NB above should not be bad at all for you for the year or fifteen months meantime, Under separate cover I am sending some reprints from Silvio Varon. He is very anxious to come here, e.g. ag a senior research fellow, pending some. possibility of a sturdier appotutment perhaps in anatomy or neurology. The only possibility would be in some loose connection with you (most cogent, sharing your space). Knowing a lot of neurocytology, he could be a valuable partner; in Che other hand, you might prefer minimum complications at this Stage, We have to say something in a month or two; he would be available sometime after September, What do you think? If you want to carry on further with hin yourself, you could write him at the Department of Zoology, Washingoen University, St. Louis, Missouri, where he is working now vith Levi~Montalcini, He has also worked with Mellwain, Dean Alway is resigning in June to return to academic life -- I hardly blame his. A fair bit of fues to find a replacement, but the committee is off to a good start, HS o ALG * ae! Dr. Eric Shooter February 27, 1964 Page 2 Troubles with NIH have settled down, and there should be clear two or three years of assured and rather generous financing of the NB project before we need think much more about it, and this should really be enough to make a useful dent to justify further need, We have gone fairly heavily into instru mentation lately, especially computers, We have a dandy small computer <= the ‘LINC’ ~= to tie to our own instruments and help with wire access to the larger computers at ehe Computation Center, and this is coming along beautifully, A Bendix time-of-flight mass spectrometer has just arrived which we expect to tie to the LINC; principal aim ig to explore use in sequence analysis, We are also sheawing the ATLAS CH=4 with Djerassi in Chemistry as a complement ary machine to the Bendix (high resolution vs. fast scan and easy inlet). So hurry on over, As ever, the best from Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics