March 7, 1962 Dr. ctharies Shaw Hawthorn Center 18471 Haggerty Road Northville, Michigan Dear Hez: Jc was & pleasure to hear from you. We aren't as imaginative as you think in our approach to neurobiology. You may get some Idea of it from the enclosed. {| should put more emphasis on developmental studies than the outline conveys, and they should be brpader than just protein. E.6. a clear picture, by pulse-labelling with u! wacetate, of progressive myelination in the brain would be invaluable. Deve Hamburg Is a breath of fresh air here, shows a good balance of aggressiveness and caution in setting up his department. But Child Psy- chiatry is still a vacuum, especially since Hale Snirley's wife died. | think we should stay In touch. Do all psychiatrists go through an epoch of rejection? (1 think of Wheells' novel). But the more {| see of our present ignorance of elementary brain chemistry, the more preposterous the heavy bias on functional disease seems to me. I would be delighted to see your book too. You ought to match your impressions against some more factua! ex- perience of Hamburg and so on here. And you know | won't agree, if you mean it that Stanford ougiit to slow down. | hope we see you this summer, though Oregon [s not much closer than Ann Arbor. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics Jkipg Enc. MID pg mys 5 a/Hy |)