Mareh 7, 1960 Dear Marge and Hes: After reading your letter, it struck me that you might have wondered why I hadn't written you myself. Since the odds on your coming out to Stanford depend so much on the ineerest of another department (Psychiatry) there didn't seem to be too mch that I could do or say until there were some progress in that direction, ‘Tol answer your main question, of course it is very important that the dapartment headship be clear. You may know that Dave Hamburg was offered the job, but decided to stay at NTH. All I can say now teat is that a move no less imaginative is under way, and kppe- fully may be settled during the next few weeks, JI would certainly not be uneasy at all that we will at least be trying to make the kind of appointment that would please all of us. Marge, the possibility of your coming to Stanford in Pediatrics is my own suggestion to Kretchmer, and I think this would be a thoroughly sound ‘arrangement. We will be very happy to offer you a concordant title and some responsibilities in the Genetics Department at the same time. As you know we construe Senetics as a basic science department and for many obvious reasons do not want to incorporate elinical work, viz. any contact with sick patients. We dé have very close personal and professional relationships with the people in Pediatrics, and the 'jointness’ of your appointment would - fitg naturally in that context regardless of the formal departmental arrange- ments. But we can discuss these happy thoughts better during your visit. We are looking forward to seeing you. The only caution is that Esther and I will be leaving for London about April 9, and mathe there are some distractions in San Franeiseo about the 4th; it would be better for us to see you am early in April (or the end of this month). As ry . a YAR See /Sgshua Lederberg