October 10, 1958 Dr. Charles R. Shaw 2128 Geddes Ave>ue Ann Arbor, Michigan Dear Hez: 1 very much eppreciate the theught and effert that went into your recent communication. They will be quite helpful in setting up my own perspectives on the preblem we will face out et Stanford. i em rather efraid that the question of the chalr In psychaitry will have te be settled before any further steps can be taken but I will certainly keep my ear te the ground for this. We would love to see you if there is eny chance that you might be coming this way. t do have to meke one more trip East this fall but | heve so many stopevers already planned that 1! would probabiy be too worn out to add to the list. However you never know when you might get e@ telephone call from me at che Wil low Run Airpert. Although the flying weather is not the best at that time I think sometime around Thanksgiving or thereafter would be the mest convenient. We are planning to meve as of the Ist of February end | have to make another hop out there before then in January. tam trying to think where else I've heard of using the red bleed cel! as the theme for a course of lectures. Perhaps this was a reflection of exactly your own pregram. We a@re just about to get tegether to organize the medical student's curri- culum. They heave @ basic medical scientist pregram which tries to tie together the offerings that weu'd etherw se be in seperate departmants although fortunately { don't think Stanford will go to quite the extremes that Western Reserve has been doing. 1 think our theme is going te center very much on biochemical genetics and basic principles with very close connections with Kernberg's course. {| imagine it will be something between twenty and thirty lectures altogether that have at least something to do with genetics. When we get organized we will certainly be bound to have some materlel specificaily on human genetics, the analysis of padigrees, and so forth, altheugh the physiclogice! bases for this are already planned fer. Acutally the acting head ef the pediatrics, Ruth Gress, is serlously interested in genetics and is thinking of taking a year off for an indectrinational fellowship somewhere. If this gives her the necessary savoir faire, and with eur backing, this may be one way of beginning to round out eur program. It is still teo early te know how the final organization will shape up and this question of having te suspend final conclusions unt!] the department heads are fixed is a troublesome and a time- consuming one. So for the immediate present | have been concentrating on our staff problems In the besic reseerch program: in the Genetics Department, leaving for later these connected activities. It may well be eas much as another year before