dict Gis Sf bck edeer July 16, 1962 Dr. Eli Sercarz Department of Bacteriology and tmaunology Harvard Medical School 25 Shattuck Street Boston 15, Massachusetts Dear Or. Sercarz: Thank you for your letter of June 25. We are not continuing any direct work on antibody formation stnce Or. Nossal's return to Australia. However, | would be happy to hear more of your specific Interests and qualifications. Are you thinking only of a permanent position, or rather of further fellowship work In related fields of molecular blology? | have some afterthoughts on antibody formation as a postscript (enclosed). AS, 7 and 8 seem to be the most general statements about the secondary response, quite apart from the central issue of the original selection or Instruction process. There are some ambiguities -- plainly there are stages of maturity, not a sharp separation In two categories. Re A7, It. seems IIkely that even a mature cell may be repressed If it sees an excess of antigen. B8ut | do not want to put so much emphasis on this aspect of antibody formation, as | am more interested in the central issue, A5. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics JL edf n au ~ y. 7!