JUN 2 6 1962 DEPARTMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL 25 SHATTUCK STREET BOSTON 15, MASSACHUSETTS June 25, 1962 Prof. J. Lederberg Dept. of Genetics Stanford Univ. School of Med. Palo Alto, Calif. Dear Prof. Lederberg, Gus Nossal just passed through Boston on his way to Paris. In mentioning to him that I hoped to secure a position in Calif~ ornia in 1963, he suggested that I contact you about a possible position in your department, Since receiving my Ph. D. with Prof. Coons in 1960, I have spent almost two years in Dr, Luigi Gorini's laboratory studying repression in the arginine biosynthetic sequence of E, coli, This summer, I will be moving to MIT to spend a year with Prof. Luria, again studying control, but this time worrying more about the operator than the repressor, JI pursued this line of research in postdoctoral study because I wanted to learn some genetics, believing that an understanding of antibody formation will only result as the genetics and epigenetics of the antibody-producing cell and its progenitors become known. I wonder whether your most recent thoughts on antibody formation are to be published? In particular, would syou revise postulates A6, A7, and A8 of your original formulation? I would be glad to furnish any further information about myself that you might find useful, Sincerely yours, Che Streory Eli Sercarz