October 5, 1962 Professor Francis 0. Schmitt Department of Blology Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge 39, Massachusetts Dear Professor Schmitt: | especially appreciate the courtesy of your writing me at length. (1 am becoming rather allergic to long distance phone calls, albelt they are sometimes unavoidable.) in brief, | 1. applaud the vigor of your interest In pushing neuroblology to a new plane and would like to remain well informed of your activity. However, | would not generally encourage such diver- slons of the university's functlons. Why not use the same effort to make the university a better place for such scholarly work? 2. regret that | am unable to attend your next session in November. 3. will reflect on the possibility of a formal affillation as an associate <= but doubt what this can add to the picture, as my opportunities for personal visits would be quite Infrequent. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics JL: edf P.S. Thank you for the book you sent some time ago. | prevately belleve the connection between memory and sequential nucleic information Is less direct than most of the participants thank, but some experimental decision on questions Ifke this should be coming a along during the near future.