Dept. Zoology, Columbia University, New York, 87, N.Y. 2 Sebrummy 1946, Dear Ir, Beadle: Thank you very much for the wild type stocks, just received. I must apologize for taese fragmentary notes that I send out in rapid succession, but I am under some pressure to finish up by Morch. ‘ith possibly one exception, these stocks will be ade juate for what 1 want to do. In your AJBot parer, 19g is listed as one of the parents of 33757-a .iie do not have this strain here. I as-« sume that the 'Reguler Wild orassa’ in Ryen's collection is iden- tifiable with 'L-A', Is the strain '977K' a subeulture of lima? If not, I feel that it wold be important to hve the latter. br, Ryan and myself are in the process of writing the reverse mutation in leucineless paper. It would be very helpful if we could mention in semi-quantitative or quantitrtive fashion the kinkage of the albino ohsreacter to the translocation in the 4637 stook. iave you my data on this that we could use? I believe - that you mentioned this to me in a previous letter. The prospects that I will be west