wa Vv Roscoe B. Jackson Memorial Laboratory BAR HARBOR, MAINE Cable Address “JAXLAB’ July 18, 1960 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Genetics Department Stanford University Palo Alto, California. Dear Josh: Thank you very much for your note about accommodations during the September Methodology in Mammalian Genetics Symposium. We are delighted to learn that you and Esther will be here. The nicest place to stay in Bar Harbor is the Bar Harbor Motor Inn - on the shore - where the rates after Labor Day are $10, 12, 15 and 17. per day. I have made reservations for you for a double room (twin beds) at the $12, rate, If you wish something different in the way of accommodations, will you let me know, A deposit of $12,36 (3% tax) is desired, which you may send direct to the Bar Harbor Motor Inn, and they will send you confirmation of reservations, for Septemher 8, 9 and 10, We enjoyed very much having Len and Lee Hertzenberg with us last week, They are nice informal people and seemed to feel that they profited from their stay here, I hope all of you will be able to shuf¥le across the country more frequently» Sincerely, Elizabeth S, Russell / Senior Staff Scientist a