November 1I2, 1959 Dr. Elizabeth $5. Russell Jackson Laboratory Bar Harbor, Maine Dear Tibby: A number of us here are more and more convinced that the mouse deserves to be exploited much more than it has been for studies of antibody formation. One of the limitations has been the lack of sufficlent quantities of serum globulin for detailed chemical as well as biological studies. If a basic study of mouse globulin were made It would be extremely useful for further work on antibody formation In this species. Mel Cohn in particular ts interested in doing some chemical studies, Including some amino acid analysis, on well characterized mouse globulins. Gus Nossal is keen to make preparations that would be useful In tagging globulin in lymphold cells. It occurred to us that you might be In a position to be of tremendous help to us and | would like to appeal to your generosity. What we would like to beg from you Is that you arrange to collect serum on a large scale from among the very many mice that you must be obliged to destroy. Insofar as this in Gonventent, the sera from different Inbred stratns should be segregated. Mel tells me that he would be happy to have any quantity; but even a liter would not be more than he could profitably use. The sera should not be sterilized and perhaps could be shipped most conveniently in frozen form. Naturally we will be happy to reimburse the Laboratory for expenses Incidental to the collection and shipment of the materials. | am sure | do not have to urge on you the utility of this program nor the reasons why your laboratories would be the best place to seek this help. With best regards, Joshua Lederberg cc: M. Cohn