r CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY PASADENA, CALIFORNIA + May 12, 1959 DIVISION OF BIOLOGY *. Joshua Lederberg, ipt. 1f Genetics, © ‘ge Stanford University, Stanford, Galifornia. Dear Josh, it was ever so nice of you to phone while you were here in Pasadena, and to inquire about my plans for visiting Stanford. Sppry I scemed a bit over~concerned about family affairs at that particular time-- my 1¢-yr. .old had just had an emergency appendectony’ Our plans at present are shaping up, as regards Stanford at least, very moh as anticipated in March, We hope to spend the first two weeks of July in the San Franciseo area, and during that time we( or at least I) want to spend a great deal of my time at Univ.of California and at Stanford. I hope that by that time you will have returned from your travelling, as it would be much the best to see all this with you as a guide, Perhaps, if you are going to be a bit late in returning, you might let me know of this, so that.i..could plan to schedule visits to Stanford for the latter part of my stay.