October 2, 195d Or. Elizabeth S$. Russel! Division of Biology California institute of Technology Pasadena, California Dear Tibby: Many thanks for your sound advice in your letter of September 30th. There is much to ponder there and | won't attempt an Immediate appreciation. | did want to make an early reply to one of your more explicit questions, about visiting us at Stanford. The main problem here as you might have guessed is one of timing, but if it cam be worked out it would be a very pleasant exe perfence on our part. As of now we are planning to leave Madison sometime this spring but will spend the larger part of our time with Cavalli in Pavia, axpact~ Ing to return and set up shop in a definitive way at Stanford early in July next summer. {#f your plans can be molded to suit this particular pattern we'd love to nave you, Your renark about man being @ mammal reminds me of the old saw whether the male of the species really fits ell cf the defined characteristics. If you by any chance have not had much contact before with Henry Kap! an who heads ‘he Radiology Department at Stanford but is a first rate experimental biologist { hope you will have the chance during your visit. Yours sincerely, a Joshua Lederberg Professor of Medical Genetics JL/Jp