TQQOOOOOKKKKKKK MOOOOOKAKKKKK KN Department of Medical Genetics Mayb26, 1957 Dr. E. S. Russell ~ Jackson Laboratory Bar Harbor, Me. Dear “Elizabeth: The question I am going to ask is hardly more than an idha curtosity. Av' Mitchison mentioned something that suggested you may have done the experi- ment before the Fire. Is malanin pigment antigenic? That is to say, is it poasible by repeated backcrosses to establish black and albino lines of mice isogenic except for pigmentation; if this has been done, are the lines mutually histocompatible? My familiarity with the literature in this field is far from profound, but I hadn't noticed this particular experiment. I would have imagined that there might be enough odd applications of a pair of isogehic lines of the sort indioated to justify their production. With best regards. Yours sincerely, Josma Lederberg