Pe F a Nt) Oe Madison, Wis March 5, 1957 TENTATIVE LECTURE SCUSDULE 1. shat is geneties? Hypotheses of clonal stability 2, Mutational change. Prendaptation. 3. Measurement of mutation rates. S»xontaneous sutation 4. Physical and chemical sutagenesis. 5. Methods of biochemical genetics. 6. Population dynamics. Periodic selection. R-S variation. 7. Sexual reconbination. i. ©6©aitto Gu, ditto io. Transduction by DNA (ppsmococcus transforziation) ii, Transduction by phage: Salnonella if’, Transduction by phage: Prophage-linked transduction 5. Lysogeny: lysogenic conversion; inheritance of prophare 14. Genetics of Drug-Resistance 15. Genetics of serotype (esp. Salmonella YH antigens? 16. Recapitudadtion. Additional lectures (May be recuired in course but will alse be designad for w larger group if interested) Plense plan for later in the term, 2s they will A 3) mid 17. Infection and heredity: plasmids have to be planned carefully. henis 18, Geonietrscat chemistry: DNA, recons, and | 6Genctic) eo 18. Origin of viruses— how about a panel vith Sir Mac' on this one? * 29, Biopoiesigs -- the origin of life ang hey, to recognize it when it haopens. As concerns the lab. course, Esther would like to su your own conveniat:ce as ioz as pessible. She is agreenble to any four week block; the July 1-22 boing raaps the rost suitable. In that length of time, and with any number of “oxtents, it will be difficult to go very far. We would suggest on additional ‘:cners progran, to last the curation of our stay, for a few students who vould like to do a nore thorough concentration on genetics, Can you arrange facilities, credits etc. for this? Any such students would probably have to spend at least half tine on thispregram: ise., they probably could not be rezistered for any other courses outside microbiology. (I know this may be acadeniecally disruptive; I slso know thet as an undergraduate or first-year graduate I wight Have been celighted to make such an intimete contact with a visiting professor in a field where I ha¢ a latent interest. ) (*This is just a vassing thought, to be tuken lightly. I had in mind thet ve nicht organize a contrived controversy, the degenernte-parasite va. tle escaned-cene theories. ) We are just now nacking; we fly direct to Paris from Chicago tomorrow. As this is our firet trip to Furone, and sort of = waraun for the swcmer, all is chaos. ve have to slan our itinerery cirectly we return. e hove to lieve heard from you about schedule. Can youalso advise on following: 1) sto-over Aucilen¢ en route. 2) pleasurability of a few deys by sen-- how about Sydney--Fiji tuat wey? climatic consicerations? How about Bris- bane or Cairns as a vort: is that possible? The icea ef a lazy So th Seas excursion is becouing wore appenlinc to us than ea strenuous trans-globol, for our one-nionth vecation. As things look nov, ant you can dnacine, we ney neeé such a civersion, DUES Zour P.S. @trecust you Jinve a goo¢ Wi3 mix, 2.7. for 0. Ann s FMB vol ctose. If not. lense notify. a