ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO BE ADDRESSED TO THE DIRECTOR TELEPHONE F OAB4 ’ Che University of Melbourne BACTERIOLOGY DEPARTMENT Carlton, 3, 19th September, 19.55, Dre J. lederberg, Department of Genetics, University of Wisconsin, Medison 6, WISCONSIN, U,S,4. Dear Josh, I was delighted to receive your letter irdicsting your interest in visiting Melbourne in 1957 and have now submitted your mame and Esther's to the Unite d States Educational Foundation urder the categories of Fulbright Lecturer and Fulbright Research Scholar respectively. Mac Burnet, who wil] probably be writing to you, is equally enthisiastic over your proposed visit am will be only too happy to offer you hospitality at the bench during your stey in Melbourne. He will be acting as co-sponsor to my nomination. In regard to projects which Esther could work on here this is a little difficult to forecast exactly what will be problems of current interest in two veers hence. At the moment there are three research topics being investigated of direct and indirect genetical interest. One is concerned with mutants of Aspergillus ugse which aiffer from the parent strain in producing significantly (6-fold) higher yields of citric acid then the parent Wisconsin strain 724. We are at present preparing papers for the Journal] of General Miercbiology on the nature and fermentative activity of these mutants and describing a technique of isolation and Girect screening using a paper culture technique. The latter merely involves culturing isolated spores on absorbent paper previously soaked in medium containing a pH indicator. By measuring the size of the cclony and the diameter of the acid zone produced we arrive at a ratio, the acid unitage (= Giameter of acid zone), diameter of colony Mutants with values greater than 5 are invariably high citrie acid yielders. We know nothing of the genetics of this mitation. We are now trying to discover biochemically why they produce such high yields. One positive statement we can make is that the parent culture and mutants metabolise citrate at an equal mte so that the lower ylelds of the parent culture is not due to the utilization of citric acid as it is formed. aA (K; Another line of research deals with mutaticn towards Lo nonlysogenicity in By mecaterjum. The prophage of this organism is not firmly built into the chromosome structure so that non-Iyvsogenic mutants are encountered. Dr. Huybers of tris Department has foun a mitetion rate (loss of prophage) which may be as high as 4%. He looked for (A) "mutants of K12 and nomlysceenic Stanhs. but failed to detect any in each organism. However, out of this he chanced upon 2 suicidal mutation in which the phage from the normal lysogenic Staph. wil] lyse mutant cells and the phage from the mitant cells will lyse the normal. Hence, culturing the normil and the mutant together resultg in yutual destruction. Vic cael th how attelsf agy (¢ each) Then, of course, there is the veast work whieh I have no doubt will still be budding in '57. We are sure te have something going when Esther arrives. Next week I shell be seeing Mr. Rossiter whd is in charge of the U.S.4. Fulbright programme and should anything worth reporting arise from this I shell immediately let you knowe Finelly, many thanks for the eulitures which you sent us. Unfortunately three out of the five tubes were broken, but we recovered the orgénisms without cross ccntamimtion. It was an excellent ides to give us agar deeps instead of fluid suspension (this saved the day). I think you might warn your packer that it is a pretty tough journey to Australia and a lot of packing is required. Fulbrighters of course are handled mere gently! With best wishes to yourself and Esther, Yours singerely, Ak P.Se Last night I lost between the Department and home your reprint from the Waksren series of lectures on aaa and Genetics. ~rf - Can I ask for 4 second one if available. i} fr ; _¢ ¢ f. ?} * f — ‘ ° ; : & f asmhiK kt VEL Tom,