August 30, 1955 Professor Syddey D. Rubbo School of Microbiology University of Melbourne Vie., Australia Dear Syd: Thank you for your letter of the llth. Our reply is unfortunately delayed, as we were visiting Denver. I showed your letter (in part) to Gardder Middlebrook, by the way, and he was enthusiastically excited. He considered that some of the derivatives you had worked on should, theoretically, not lead to the development of resistant strains (pre~ sumably by their peroxide-stability); I anticipate he would be disap- pointed. He may possibly write you further. As to visiting Australia in '57, Esther and I think this would be a fine idea. June-September is OK too. We are primarily concerned about recouping our travel expense. If possible, we probably would Like to fly one way, sail the other, but this need not be gone into now. If I remamber correctly, you were willing to promise that we coukd get sutisfactory gousing. The answer to all your questions, a,b, and ec is "yes". As you will understand, this is not a definite commitment, as othsr plans might supervene, but I do not think we are misleading you in encouraging you to proceed with the application formalities. In regard to a program, in addition to any reasonable schedile of iectures, do you think the following would be feasible to present to the Foundation. I have had no experience in animal virus work myself, but have followed Burnet's studies with véry deep interest. You mentioned him as co-sponsor. On the research side, would be possible for me to work at the Hall Institute, if the genetic studies on flu are continuing? For Esther's part, she would probably prefer to join your werk on yeast over trying to transport her program here. We will get off the cultures you asked for pdq. Yours sincerely, if = ue rorbere // P.S. The numbers are: iv "58-161" F+ ¥ F. W~2163 Y-10 Fo Y-16F W-1802 We677 Fe W-677 P.P.S. Esther amkx reminds me to ask you what other lines of work may be going on in your department that may be an appropriate basis for he tca~ tion for fellowships here. Pees ner possible appitca