Mareh 11, 1955 Dear Syd: I promised to keep you as well informed as possible about Bob Wright. I am sorry not to be able to give more definite word than this: as of today he is still but slowly recovering consciousness. He did speak a couple of words yesterday, a point we have been relying on as a sign against concealed left—cerebral injury. Except for ths agonizing slowness of his progress, there has been substantia 4, no ohjective sign of serious injury except around the right pre-central (motor) areas; if that is all there proves to be, and it will be im possible to evaluate its extent, for a long time, we may count him blessed. I hardly know how to deacriféd his iomediate condition. His surgeon considers him substantially decompressed—— the wound is néw depressed, the spinal pressure back to normal, etc. He has accasionsof partial awareness, but not recognition; a few simple voluntazy movements; a few simple respomses to verbal instructions. He is still pulling ahead, but very slowly indeed. We can only hope his progress will be as consistent as it is slow. Mari is back to wrk. I have to admire her ability to do this, as distracted as I knowshe is. Fortunately, the hospital is not far off, so she can visist Bob as often as the surgeon will alhow her too It will be difficult to post a daily bulletin. So please consider that the present course is extrapolated until you hear further. I will let you know promptly of any considerable change. Yours sincerely, [lg ( ton Zee 1 cameras Josh a’ tedérberg / ’ ; Le P.S. I have geceived your amusing chain letter. Please forgive me for not cooperating Just now; it just happens to strike me at the wrong time. I am happy to note that I have already been in touch with all 4 of the antec edents,