January 5, 1955 Dear Syd: The yeast mutants you requested are enclosed herewith. In case the labels drop off, WY~38 is the shorter ampoule, with a somewhat denser suspension. The diagnoses are: (both cultures from Raut): WE-38 = her 108.3N= a thiamin-, melibiose-, galactose- WY-39 = her 153.4 = alpha adenineā€ (pink; needs re&aolation) gal- mal- ow Since your last letter, I noticed her abstract which appeared in the Records of the Genetics Society of America, 1954. This will be reprinted in the Nov. 1954 issue of Genetics which has yet to appear. As I thought you might be urgently interested, I have copied it in toto to forward tof you. Evidently, UV acts rajttherlike acriflavine, presumbly quite independently of its mutagenic action. Bither petite mutants will have to be backcrossed to wild type in hopes af restoring their cytoplasm, and recovering the mutant genes in segregants; alternatively, other mutagens will have to be fotnd, in hopes that some will have less of a cytoplasmic effect. Yours, Mth Mi