TeLePHone PADDINGTON 148 1662 DR/ GC Dr. J. Lederberg, Department of Genetics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.A. Dear Dr. Lederberg, THE WRIGHT-FLEMING INSTITUTE OF MICROBIOLOGY, ST. MARY’S HOSPITAL MEDICAL SCHOOL, PADDINGTON, LONDON, W.2. 25th February, 1954. Thank you for sending me the six B. coli strains which outeross with K12, Unfortunately none of them was mouse virulent. In the meantime we have been examining some hundreds of coli strains for recombination with Kl. We have found several strains which are fertile and one of them is extremely mouse virulent. We have crossed this with avirulent W677S2/F- on SM By but of 100 prototrophs only one was virulent, the nex} had the same virulence as the WF- parent. The numbers of recombinants are very greatly reduced with the other selective media which we have tried. We are now developing some auxotrophic markers in our virulent strain. . Do you have any other auxotrophic F- strsins other than 58 yW? if so We Would be most grateful for any such strains. Thank you for the strains, Kind regards, Yours sincerely, . * naw ea we OE pet ~~ Derrick Rowley.