Reprinted from Genstics, Vol. 38, No. 1, January, 1953, pages 51-64. GENETIC STUDIES OF LYSOGENICITY IN ESCHERICHIA COLI? ESTHER M. LEDERBERG anp JOSHUA LEDERBERG Department of Genetics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin Received May 8, 1952 ECENT research on Escherichia coli phages has outlined the biology of viruses that promptly lyse their bacterial hosts (DELBRGcK 1950). In addition to the progressive parasitic relationship that these studies have ana- lyzed, many phage-bacterium complexes persist in a more enduring symbiosis, lysogenicity. The experiments to be described in this paper were designed to probe two related questions: how is the virus of a lysogenic bacterium trans- mitted in vegetative and sexual reproduction? and how is a symbiotic complex established following infection by the virus, as an alternative to the parasitiza- tion and lysis of the host bacterium? Complementary problems, especially con- cerning the growth and release of virus in lysogenic bacteria have received more emphasis from other workers (Bertani 1951; Lworr and GUTMANN 1950; WEIGLE and DELBritck 1951). Our interest in lysogenicity was provoked by the discovery that F. colt strain K-12 was lysogenic. On two occasions, mixtures of certain mutant stocks appeared to be contaminated with bacteriophage. The plaques were unusual in showing turbid centers, suggesting those figured by Burner and Lusu (1936). It soon became apparent that practically all K-12 cultures carried this latent phage. The novelty consisted of two exceptional mutant substrains, W-435 and W-518 which were sensitive to the phage, now referred to as 4d. These two strains had been maintained in our stocks as nonfermenting mu- tants for lactose (Lacg~) and galactose (Gal,—Laci—), respectively, isolated from ultraviolet-treated suspensions. Both cultures are derived from 58-161, a methionine-requiring auxotroph previously used in many recombination ex- periments (Tatum 1945; Tatum and LeperBerc 1947). The lysogenicity of strain K-12 had remained unsuspected despite its maintenance for over 25 years and close study as the subject of mutation and recombination experi- ments since 1944. However, the only objective criterion of a lysogenic symbi- osis is the lysis of another sensitive strain that functions as an indicator. Thus, in the absence af an appropriate conjunction of strains the virus carried by the K-12 subline would remain undetected. Because of the low frequency of sensi- tive strains, such opportunities are rare. The development of crossing tech- niques in strain K-12 has allowed the virus to be studied as a genetic factor. Intercrosses among strains differing with respect to A and the development of lysogenic from sensitive strains are the main subjects of this report. 1 Paper No. 490 of the Department of Genetics, University of Wisconsin. The in- vestigation was supported in part by a research grant (E72-C3) from the National Microbiological Institute of the National Institutes of Health, Public Health Service. GENeETIcs 38: 51 January 1953. 52 ESTHER M. LEDERBERG AND JOSHUA LEDERBERG TERMINOLOGY Although the adoption of a fixed terminology would be premature, for con- venience, a few terms will be defined for use in this account. Lysogenicity will be understood as the regular and persistent transmission of virus potentiality during the multiplication of a bacterium, without overt lysis. When tested directly with the phage, a bacterial culture is sensitive (lysed) or resistant (not lysed). When tested with a sensitive indicator strain, the bacteria are lysogenic (carriers of A) if the indicator is lysed, or nonlysogenic if not. Bac- teria that are resistant to X but nonlysogenic are termed immune. The virus as transmitted in lysogenic bacteria will be referred to as latent virus. MATERIALS AND METHODS Preparation of free phage Suspensions of ‘A were first obtained from filtrates of 68-hour bacterial cul- tures developed from mixed inocula of A-sensitive and A-lysogenic strains in nutrient broth. Thereafter, further batches were prepared by growing A-sensi- tive cells with virus according to the usual methods (ApAms 1950). Lysis in broth is indicated by decreased turbidity rather than marked clearing. A con- venient method for obtaining high titer A directly from lysogenic bacteria has been developed by WEIGLE and DeLgrticx (1951) from the methods described by Lworr e¢ al. (1950). A lysogenic strain grown in a yeast-extract broth is subjected to a dose of ultraviolet irradiation which kills only a small fraction of a genetically comparable A-free strain. After 40-50 minutes incubation in yeast-extract broth the majority of lysogenic cells lyse with a burst of about 100 phage particles each. Virus titrations were made by established methods (Apams 1950; Detsricx 1950). All lysates were sterilized by filtration through nine- or fourteen-pound test Mandler candles. Some pertinent physical and morphological characteristics of A have been described by other investigators (WEIGLE and DeLBriick 1951). Media The media recommended for observing phage-bacterium interactions are less useful with the A system because of the presence of bacterial survivors (which prove to be either resistant or sensitive) in the plaques. The lysed areas are, however, accentuated by their discoloration on an eosin—methylene blue agar medium without the fermentable sugar customarily added (EMB base, LEDER- BERG 1950). Plaques from free \ suspensions were counted on TSA (tryptone saline agar, WEIGLE and DeLpriicx 1951). It was sometimes supplemented with ten percent citrated bovine blood to test the release of hemolysins during bacterial lysis by phage (ScuiFF and Bornstern 1940). A positive reaction is the clearing of the blood at the zone where sensitive bacteria are exposed to A or to lysogenic bacteria. It must be cautioned, however, that occasional cultures are normally hemolytic, perhaps owing to a high rate of spontane- ous lysis. LYSOGENICITY IN E. COLI , 53 Scoring for sensitwity and lysogenicity Susceptibility to A is tested by streaking a phage suspension across a dry EMB agar plate with a broad loop. A small loopful of the cells to be tested is then streaked at right angles to the phage. To test for lysogenicity, the bacteria are similarly streaked against a sensitive indicator. As a precautionary meas- ure, the tested cells are also deposited at a control spot. As shown in figure 1, positive tests consist of the interruption in the continuity of growth of the indi- cator, or plaques and discoloration at the conjunction of phage with sensitive bacteria. The technique of replica plating (LEDERBERG and LEDERBERG 1952) facilitates large-scale tests of lysogenicity. Instead of individual tests on bac- terial colonies from a plate, these are transferred en masse by means of velvet- een fabric to a TSA plate previously layered with 10 ml of TSA seeded with about 10° indicator cells. On the replica, each lysogenic colony is surrounded by a zone of lysis. Ficure 1.—Reactions of sensitive, lysogenic and immune. Extreme left: control spots. Left center; cross-streaks against sensitive indicator bacteria. Right: cross-streaks against ». From top to bottom Lé.*, Lpit, and Lp." respectively. Crosses Crosses are carried out by plating washed cultures differing in nutritional characters on minimal agar (TaruM and LeprerRBerG 1947; LEDERBERG et al. 1951) or with added streptomycin where streptomycin sensitive (S*) proto- trophs are crossed with resistant (S") diauxotrophs (Leperserc 195la). The resulting progeny are picked and purified by streaking on a complete medium, and from this, single colonies are isolated for further characterization of segre- gating markers, including lysogenicity. Selection of lysogenic and nonlysogenic cultures Lysogenic bacteria may be routinely isolated from turbid plaques on sensi- tive bacteria plated with A or from the residual growth after mixed inoculation 54 ESTHER M. LEDERBERG AND JOSHUA LEDERBERG of sensitive bacteria and phage in broth on agar. Successive single colony puri- fications result in stably lysogenic isolates free of extraneous A and sensitive bacteria. By isolating one lysogenic derivative from a series of single plaques, it was demonstrated that the transfer of A from well-marked lysogenic to previously sensitive stocks occurs without any alteration of the known genetic markers of the new host other than its reaction to A. The isolation of nonlysogenic (immune or sensitive) types fron lysogenic bacteria is less predictable but they have been obtained by the following pro- cedure. EMB or blood agar plates were spread with 10° cells and exposed to ultraviolet light so that about 100 to 200 colonies survived. New types have been sporadically detected either by testing large numbers of normal-appearing colonies or by the partially lysed appearance of phage-contaminated sensitive colonies. These consist of lysogenic and sensitive sectors, and free A. Immune mutants have arisen from sensitive bacteria after selection with phage. The various occurrences of nonlysogenic derivatives are listed in table 1. RESULTS Intercrosses of various phenotypes Crosses among the sensitive, lysogenic, and immune strains are all fully fertile. They have been repeated many times with the following qualitative results, based on 200 or more tests for each cross. 1. Lysogenic x lysogenic: all progeny lysogenic. 2. Sensitive x sensitive: all progeny sensitive. 3. Sensitive x lysogenic: the progeny segregate into sensitive and lysogenic, with ratios depending on the nutritional markers of the parents. The total number of tests of crosses 1 and 2 is actually much larger, for exceptional progeny would have been apparent upon inspection of similar crosses conducted for other purposes. Since only the parental types are found in cross 3, it might be inferred that lysogenic differs from sensitive only by one factor, the presence of the A. How- ever, the consideration of A as a cytoplasmic factor leads to a possible paradox : when A is contributed by just one parent,-it segregates among the progeny, but it always appears when contributed by both parents. It should be empha- sized that the same segregation ratios for other markers have been obtained regardless of the presence or absence of A in the parents. No evidence has been found to date for the functioning of Aas a gamete or other sexual form (cf. Haves 1952; LepERBERG, CAVALLI and LEDERBERG 1952). Further crosses involving two immune parents gave the following results: Immune-1 x sensitive: parental only. Immune-2 x sensitive: parental only. Immune-I x lysogenic: parental only. Immune-2 x lysogenic: parental and sensitive. Immune-1 x immune-2: parental and sensitive. CON OV in LYSOGENICITY IN E. COLI 55 TABLE 1 Principal stocks used in lysogenicity studies. Strain Source : isto 1 number strain H ry Genotype Sensitive (Lp,”) W-435 58-161 UV (ultraviolet) M~Lac~ W-518 Y-87 UV M~Lac Gal ~ W-1267 W-518 x W-588, f-1 segregant TL“ Lac ,~Gal,~ W-1485 K-12 UV; blood agar wild type sensitive W-1486 W-811 plating with streptomycin ~ M~Lac,~Gal,~S* W-1487 W-1405 plating with streptomycin T L"Lac,~Gal-S* W-1502 W-1245 spontaneous variation M~ W-1503 W-1296 spontaneous variation TL” W-1655 58-161 UV M7 W-1872 K-12 UV wild type sensitive Immune-1 and -2 (Lp! and Lp,’) W-1027 Y-70 UV T-L™ Lac,"Lp,’ Lp,* W-1924 W-518 — selection with A . M~Lac,~Gal,“Lp * Lp,* W-1248 W-518 selection with A M~Lac,~Gal,Lp,* Lot W-1603 W-1177 UV T~L™ etc., Lp,* Lo.’ W-1245 W-478 UV M™; unstable immune W-1296 W-588 UV T_L™~; unstable immune Lysogenic (Lp,*: Lp," or Lp,*) 58-161 standard parent M~ Lp,® W-1177 multiple marker parent TL” Lac,“Mal,“Xyl-Gal,-“S"Lp W-811 W-518 infection with A M~ Lac,~Gal,~ Lp,® W-1439 W-811 selection with A-2 M~ Lac,~Gal,~ Lp . . ¥ ‘The significance of the genotypic symbols, and further details of ancestry of many stocks are given in LEDERBERG et al. (1951)-and LEDERBERG (1952). The appearance of a sensitive recombination class in cross 8 implicates two loci in resistance to A. Sensitive can be described as Lp,* Lps', immune-1 as Lov’ Lpo® and immune-2 as Lp;* Lps”. From the result of cross 6, in contrast to cross 7, lysogenicity is also determined at the Lp, (latent phage) locus. Evidence for two kinds of lysogenic, Lp2* (those so far discussed) and L po", respectively, will be presented in another section. Occasional sensitive progeny would have been anticipated in cross 6 on the hypothesis that lysogenic is genotypically equivalent to sensitive, and differs only by the presence of cytoplasmic A, but were not found. The independent segregation of A (cross 3) and of the genetic factor Lp; (cross 4) would have resulted in some A-free recombinants sensitive to the virus. The results of all these crosses hinted at a primarily ‘“ chromosomal ” determination of lyso- genicity. 56 ESTHER M. LEDERBERG AND JOSHUA LEDERBERG Linkage behavior of lysogenicity The concept of an Lf; locus was strengthened by the outcome of linkage tests in which various markers were segregating. A loose linkage of Lp, to Xyl and to S was indicated in preliminary crosses with a multiple marker stock. However, Lp» was also segregating, thus doubling the number of geno- typic classes, and perhaps confusing the issue. The closest linkage of Lp, thus far found has been to Gals, as shown in table 2. As it happens, this is the dis- tinctive marker of W-518, in which A-sensitivity was first noticed. The linkage of Lp; with Gal, has been verified by crosses with various com- binations of lysogenic stocks resynthesized from sensitive auxotrophs. Some of the latter were newly developed from W-1485, a A-sensitive directly derived from strain K-12. There can be little doubt, therefore, that the segregating TABLE 2 Linked segregation of Gal, and Lp, among prototrophic recombinants. Parents Prototroph recombinants: M*T*+Lt... A M7Tt*L* x M*tTTL7 Gal*Lp* GaltLp* Gal-Lp* Gal Lp* 1 Gal*Lp* x Gal~Lp* oi 83 90 2 2 GaltLp* x Gal-Lp*® 33 1 3 41 3 Gal-Lp* x GaltLpt 55 0 5 53 4 Gal-Lp* x GaltLp* 1 42 44 1 B M7H*L,* x MtH-L,~ 1 Gal-Lp+ x GaltLp*® 0 34 40 1 C M-M,tG+ x M*M,~Gu 1 Gal-Lpit x GaltLp® 0 40 39 1 Gal~Lp* x Gal*Lpt 64 2 1 67 The crosses were conducted on EMS galactose medium, from which approximately equal numbers of Galt and Gail™ prototrophs were picked for further test. Similar results were obtained when the proportion of Galt and Gal™ was not thus fixed, as on non-indicator glucose minimal agar, but the preponderance of one parental type among the prototrophs limited the usefulness of unselected isolates for linkage tests. The H*tL,~ and M,~G™~ parents indicated in B and C are histidine-leucine and methionine-glycine auxotrophs, respectively, recently derived from W-1485. All parents in these crosses were Lp,”; but V,, Lac,, and S were segregating in their usual patterns. ‘ factor is directly associated with lysogenicity. The linked segregations justify the assignment of a new allele, Lp,+, characteristic of lysogenicity. The result indicated for cross 6 points to this as a third allele at the same loctis as the con- trasting Lp,” (immune-1) and Lp,* (sensitive). Segregation of X from diploids Heterozygotes. selected as Lact/Lac— or Gal+/Gal- were obtained and shown to be segregating for a number of other factors (LEDERBERG 1949), but these selections were either A-sensitive or A-lysogenic. Similar results were obtained in immune, Het crosses. It was thought, however, that the A-determi- nant might be hemizygous in these diploids, like the Mal and S factors previ- ously studied (LEDERBERG et al. 1951). This difficulty has been circumvented by the use of diploid x haploid crosses, in which the segmental elimination LYSOGENICITY IN E. COLI 57 (of Mal and S) apparently does not occur. A: lysogenic diploid parent (T-L~ Galt Lact Mal+ /Lac— Mal~) was crossed with a sensitive, haploid auxotroph (M~- Galy~ Lac~ Malt) on minimal agar. The resulting proto- trophs were almost all diploid, and several were identified as lysogenic, but segregating Galt /Gal- as well as other factors. As shown in table 3, presence vs. absence of A segregated in the same coupling as shown by the parents: Galt lysogenic/Gal— nonlysogenic. Unfortunately, this diploid is also segre- gating Lo, so that the nonlysogenic segregants include immune-2 as well as A-sensitive. The linkage and segregation evidence shows that a chromosomal factor is altered when a cell becomes lysogenic. In addition, a cytoplasmic factor (A itself) may be postulated, but genetic evidence for it is entirely inconclusive. Two possible interpretations may be considered: 1) The virus or provirus occupies a definite niche on the chromosome, near Gals. Lysogenicity results from the cellular or even chromosomal fixation of the latent virus. 2) The chromosomal factor is a gene, Lp’, which mutates spontaneously to an allele Lpit that potentiates a symbiotic relationship of A in the bacterial cytoplasm. TABLE 3 Segregation of Galg and Lp, from heterozygous diploids. Gal*Lp* GaltLp®* °—-Gal~Lp* Gal~Lp” H-295 36 1 1 39 (19 Lp,*) H-297 29 0 0 11 (3 Lp,*) Segregant (pure) Gal* and Gal~ colonies were picked from EMB galactose agar at random, and tested for susceptibility to A and A-2, and for lysogenicity. The phenotypically A-sensitive (Lp,*) moiety of the Le,” segregants is shown in paren- theses. Almost all of the Lp,*+ were Lp,". On this hypothesis, the role of A in the induction of lysogenicity is confined to the selection of the pre-adaptive mutation, Lpit+. A similar dilemma in the determination of the killer trait in Paramecium aurelia has been resolved in terms similar to the second interpretation (SoNNEBORN 1950), although the first was originally favored (SONNEBORN 1945). Its substantiation for lyso- genicity would require the recognition of the possible genotypes: Lp,° no-aA (presumably the sensitives) ; L)1° infected with A (presumably lethal) ; Lpi+ with lambda (the lysogenic) ; and a new combination, Lp,;+ no-aA. This last type, genetically pre-conditioned for lysogenicity, would presumably be recog- nized as an apparently immune form that would promptly absorb A to become lysogenic. It has not yet been identified among immune stocks of K-12, or immune progeny collected from a variety of strain intercrosses. Mechanism of infection When aA-sensitive bacteria are plated with A, survival ratios in the range of ten to fifty percent are usually encountered. Many of the survivors are appar- ently lysogenic. The hypothesis of spontaneous variation at the Lf, locus 58 ESTHER M. LEDERBERG AND JOSHUA LEDERBERG would be untenable if, as these facts appear to show prima facie, several per- cent of sensitive bacteria became lysogenic under the direct influence of the virus. Only preliminary experiments have been done on this aspect of the problem, with results that are not yet conclusive. A striking feature of platings of diluted bacteria-virus mixtures of varying relative multiplicity has been the development of contaminated colonies, similar to those figured by Boyp (1951). These colonies displayed a very characteristic appearance on EMB agar, They were often delayed in their development, lagging a few hours behind their neighbors, and later show either a central “ necrosis ” or plaquing, or often single or multiple pericentric plaques. When the contaminated colonies were restreaked, they typically gave rise to a mixture of contaminated, sensi- tive and lysogenic colonies. Many of the latter are only apparently lysogenic, for they include sensitive bacteria as shown by serial restreaking of single colonies. It is not unlikely (though not yet proven) that contaminated colonies may arise from single infected cells. If this is the case, the determination of lysis versus lysogenicity is effected during the development of a contaminated clone, and there would be greater opportunity for genetic variation and natural selection. On the other hand, if a fair proportion of infected cells are actually converted directly into lysogenics, it would be concluded that A itself induces or fixes the mutation from Lp,® to Lp,+ , Virus and host mutations Following irradiation of a type lysogenic, a self-lysed colony was noted from which a distinctive virus was isolated. This virus, A-2, differs from A in its ability to destroy Lp,+ bacteria. Attempts to develop a symbiosis of A-2 with each of a variety of bacterial stocks have been unsuccessful. Its relationship to A as a “ host range mutant” is supported by the concurrent development of resistance to X with mutations from sensitivity to resistance to A-2. Several recurrences of A-2 have been detected in lysed colonies after ultraviolet irradi- ation, and in A stocks grown on sensitive cells. It has not, however, been ob- served in routine bacterial cultures, although it would presumably have been conspicuous. This is in contrast to the rapid accumulation of comparable virus mutants in cultures of the lysogenic staphylococci studied by BurNeT and Lusi (1936). Immune bacterial mutants have been observed among survivors of both irradiated lysogenic cultures and sensitive cultures exposed to the viruses. Immune-1 has occurred very infrequently, and is resistant to (and nonlyso- genic for) A, but sensitive to A-2. Immune-2 is resistant to both phages, showing neither lysis nor the development of lysogenicity. As already mentioned, differ- ent loci, Lp, and Lpe, appear to be involved. Although immune-2, Lp? Lpe’, does not respond to free A, selection for resistance to A-2 in a lysogenic stock gives the genotype Lp,+ Lpo” which remains ly sogenic for A. Crosses of such lysogenics with sensitive (Lp, + Lpo™ x Lp? Lp2*) gave all four of the expected types: immune-2 (Lp,* Lp") and type lysogenic (Lp, + Lpe’), in addition to the parents, Current stocks of K-12 are mixed populations with respect to Lps. LYSOGENICITY IN E. COLI 59 It is not surprising, therefore, that several mutant derivatives, notably W-1177 extensively used in crossing experiments, are already Lp.". Two d-immune selections have been found, both sensitive to 4-2, which were unstable and fre- quently engendered A-sensitive colonies. Tests for allelism with Lpi’ were inconclusive owing to this instability. Other mutants of the virus have been sought, but only plaque variants not readily scored were observed. Resistance to 4 and A-2 is concomitant with resistance to p-14, a phage isolated from sewage. Morphologically, the plaques of p-14 are intermediate between those of A and A-2, with turbid centers associ- ated with a spurious or unstable lysogenicity which persisted in slow-growing isolates at 30° and was rapidly lost at 37°. Despite its initial promise as a selec- tive agent for other bacterial mutations related to A, p-14 did not elicit any otherwise unrecognized types. A “ weakly lysogenic” bacterium was recovered after ultraviolet irradiation of a typical lysogenic form. When inoculated with the indicator strain, the variant induced very few plaques, so that it was not readily distinguished from immune nonlysogenic forms. When the virus was transferred from the weakly lysogenic form to sensitives normal lysogenicity ensued. This suggests that reduced lysogenicity was a property of the host rather than of the phage. It was conceivable, however, that the plaques of free virus represent reverse- mutants from a virus population that otherwise remains entirely latent within the infected variant bacterium. To eliminate this possibility, sensitive recom- binants from crosses of the weak lysogenic with sensitive were infected indi- vidually with type A. Both types of lysogenicity were expected on the hypothe- sis of bacterial mutation, and this was actually observed. A modifier locus is thus revealed, but its relationships with other factors have not been explored. Another intermediate reaction type was isolated from plates spread with 10° bacteria and A-2. Most of the survivors were fully resistant to both A and A-2, but some exhibited a partial resistance to A and A-2, which was reflected in overgrowth of cross-streaks and reduced efficiency of plating and plaque size for both viruses, similar to the expression of 1,” (partial resistance to T,, LEDERBERG 1951b; Waut and BLuM-EMERIQUE 1952). A-lysogenic deriva- tives were prepared which were still semi-resistant to A-2. The mutation thus involved either a third allele, Lpo”, at the Lp. locus or mutation at another locus. In view of speculation concerning the dispersion of lytic phages into genetic subunits during intracellular growth, the possibility that fragments of A might persist in apparently nonlysogenic cells was considered. The reconstitution of lytically active A from components carried in different nonlysogenic recombin- ants or variants would be relevant evidence. However, such a recurrence of phage from appropriate mixtures and crosses has hitherto not been demon- strated. Disinfection Two lysogenic streptomycin-sensitive (S*) cultures plated on streptomycin agar have been observed to yield large numbers of resistant (S") mutant colo- 60 ESTHER M. LEDERBERG AND JOSHUA LEDERBERG nies which showed the characteristically mottled margins of phage attack. These colonies gave rise to S” A-sensitive isolates. Reconstruction experiments with these mutants or their re-infected derivatives failed to establish any foun- dation for either a selective advantage or a specific inductive effect of strepto- mycin to explain the accumulation of A-sensitive. By indirect selection (LEpDER- BERG and LEDERBERG 1952), it was possible to extract the S" components, and show their A-sensitive character without exposing them to streptomycin. The A-sensitive and S” characters were not distinguishable from mutations previ- ously isolated in single steps. No explanation for this remarkable association can be offered. Systematic attempts were made to remove A from lysogenic bacteria by a number of other methods. As none were successful, details will be omitted. The treatments that were tried included cultivation at limiting temperatures and pH ranges (as originally suggested by p’ HERELLE 1926), and exposure to antibiotics and antiviral chemicals, including streptomycin, aureomycin, chloro- mycetin, Phosphine GNR, 2-nitro-5-aminoacridine, citrate ion, cobaltous ion, and desoxypyridoxine. A serious limitation to this type of investigation is the inadequacy of earlier methods of detecting disinfected variants, if they occur infrequently. Replica plating should help to surmount this problem, but was not available at the time of these experiments. ' Almost all of our original A-sensitive stocks in strain K-12 have been noticed following exposure to treatment with ultraviolet light. Inasmuch as this agent, under certain conditions, preferentially kills lysogenic cells by inducing lysis (WEIGLE and DeLBricK 1951), it cannot be concluded whether a selective or inductive (disinfective) action is involved. Lysogenicity and other E. coli strains The d reaction of about 2000 strains under investigation for intercrossability has been routinely tested. No recurrence of A itself has been identified, but five new strains are sensitive to A and A-2. One apparently unstable immune strain gave rise to sensitive subtypes, which, however, could not be made lysogenic on K-12 line indicators for either virus. All of the new sensitive lines, includ- ing NTCC 123 (Cavarii and Hestotr 1949) are fertile with K-12, suggesting a statistical correlation of A receptors with compatibility. Most of the 50 or so intertfertile strains that have been screened are, however, immune to A. Although a large proportion of the strains tested produced an antibiotic or colicin (FREDERICQ 1948) active on K-12, less than one percent were lyso- genic. The lysogenic cultures (which include, for example, the Waksman strain used in biochemical genetic studies, Davis 1950) carry what appear to be quite distinctive phages, judging from plaque type and resistance patterns. Two of the new latent phages have been successfully transferred to the K-12 line. Triply lysogenic K-12 strains were maintained without any overt effects on the A system or other characters of the bacteria. The genetic determination of lysogenicity for other phages may differ from that of A, however, in so far as clear-cut segregation for them was not observed in crosses or from diploids also segregating A. LYSOGENICITY IN E. COLI 61 DISCUSSION This work was initiated in the expectation that A would behave as an extra- nuclear factor, and might indeed provide a favorable model system for studies of cytoplasmic heredity. Phenotypic changes associated with the transfer of A have, so far as known, been confined to the direct consequences of virus infec- tion. For example, lysogenic bacteria are more susceptible to ultraviolet light, owing to the “induction” of the latent phage and lysis of the bacterium (WeIcLE and DetsricK 1951). In other systems, latent virtises have been shown to determine the pattern of susceptibility to other viruses, the “ lyso- type” (NrcoLte and Hamon 1951; Wirtiams-SmiTuH 1948; ANDERSON 1951), by a mutual exclusion effect. With one dubious exception, no phages that would differentiate A-sensitive from A-lysogenic were found in tests of some thousands of coliphage plaques from sewage. In principle, however, a virus-symbiosis might be detected in terms of the intercellular transfer of a genetically active agent not readily recognizable as a lytic phage (LOMINSKI 1938). This view of A may have to be qualified in view of the genetic tests discussed in this paper. No genetic evidence of A as a cytoplasmic agent was found. In the most critical tests, segregation from heterozygote diploids, lysogenicity behaved precisely as if it were controlled by a nuclear factor, linked to other segregating factors. This result provides strong support for the “ provirus ” concept of the symbiosis. The segregation of uninfected, virus-sensitive hap- loids from a lysogenic diploid is not readily compatible with the presence of free, mature virus in the latter. It is not, however, conclusive against a cyto- plasmic provirus. The segregation of lysogenicity/sensitivity may reflect the overriding control by a segregating nuclear factor which is concerned with the maintenance of the pro-A. The mutational origin of this segregating factor is, however, still in question. It should not be assumed that these results can be generalized to other lyso- genic symbioses. In Salmonella typhimurium, Boyp (1951) has shown that the multiplicity of infection is an important element in the determination of lyso- genicity. This would leave little room for bacterial variability, but a closer analysis of the incidents immediately related to the development of lysogenic cells might reveal a situation more comparable to that in Z. colt, In preliminary studies of the transmission of other viruses, transferred to K-12 from other lysogenic strains, diploids lysogenic for two phages showed segregation for A but not for the second phage. The apparent difference with respect to nuclear determination may be a consequence of the antiquity of the association of K-12 with A in contrast to the newly introduced phages. It may be noteworthy that 4 has not recurred in extensive samplings of other EF. coli strains and of sewage. The occurrence of A-sensitive isolates has already been mentioned. It is rather striking that all five of these isolates should be cross-fertile, compared to the four to five percent of the whole population. Whether this speaks for a close genetic relationship or for the closer attention given these lines cannot be said. It should be emphasized that all of the evi- dence argues against any functional relationship between lysogenicity and 62 ESTHER M. LEDERBERG AND JOSHUA LEDERBERG sexual fertility. The most decisive point, perhaps, is that nonlysogenic crosses are as fertile as crosses involving one or both lysogenic parents, both within strain K-12, and as between strains. The biological significance of the lysogenic symbiosis is attested to not only by the behavior of individual examples, but by its prevalence in many groups of bacteria. BuRNET (1945) and others have emphasized the biological advan- tages to the parasite as well as the host of symbiotic adaptation. In addition, the virus genotype represents an additional reservoir of genetic material sub- ject to adaptive variation. This adaptation will often lead to an amelioration of the pathogenic effects of the virus. One can imagine a situation in which a virus remains trapped within a host that it never lyses. A bacterial mutation for weak lysogenicity illustrates this trend, and it has perhaps been realized in Lominsxi’s (1938) experiments. The extreme case would however restrict the migration of the virus to other genotypes, as well as our ability to recog- nize it as a virus. It is conceivable that the immune-1 (L/1") mutation repre- sents such a bound virus, although free A has not recurred even in its crosses to A-sensitive. The most prominent mutation of A has, according to this picture, only short- term evolutionary advantages, The virulent mutant, A-2 will rapidly destroy lysogenic bacteria, and thus displace A from viral populations. The exhaustion of sensitive hosts will, however, limit its long-term survival. The early litera- ture on bacteriophage contains many references to the so-called spontaneous generation of bacteriophage in bacterial cultures. While some of these reports are possibly founded on technical faults, probably most of them represent in- stances of the mutation of virus in lysogenic bacteria not recognized as such. If it were not for the availability of an indicator strain for A, the occurrence of lysis due to A-2 in platings of ultraviolet irradiated K-12 would have passed either for a contamination or such ‘ spontaneous generation.” For technical reasons, the phages of the T series acting on £. coli B have received considerable attention. These phages have been used for such work precisely because they are atypical in their prompt destruction of sensitive bac- teria, high efficiency of plating, the limited number of secondary resistants, and clear plaques. A plating of sewage with indicator bacteria shows at a glance that phages of this kind are relatively infrequent. Although the analysis of phage-bacterium relationships on a logically sound, particulate basis has demanded systems with these technical properties, it would be a fallacy to generalize too hastily on virus biology from the study of a restricted set of materials. SUM MARY Escherichia coli strain K-12 carries a symbiotic phage, A. This phage was discovered only by the occurrence of ‘‘ mutant” substrains sensitive to A, and serving as indicators for it. In addition to the lysogenic (carrier) and sensitive bacteria, two immune types (“1” and “2”) were found. These are defined as resistant but nonlysogenic. LYSOGENICITY IN E. COLI 63 The various types have been intercrossed to elucidate the genetic basis of lysogenicity. The crosses lysogenic x lysogenic; immune-1 x immune-1 and sensitive x sensitive have yielded only the parental class. Similarly, only the two parental classes were found in lysogenic x sensitive ; lysogenic x immune-l ; and sensitive x immune-1. The segregation of lysogenicity has been confirmed by the synthesis of diploid stocks heterozygous for lysogenicity, which behaves as a factor linked to Gal, (galactose fermentation). Genetic evidence of the transmission of A as a cytoplasmic factor was not found. A locus for latent phage, Lf,, which controls the maintenance of A, or to which A is bound is postulated. The detailed role of » in the alteration of the Lf; locus that is asso- ciated with the resynthesis of lysogenic from sensitive has not been clarified. Mutation of A to a more virulent mutant A-2 has been observed. A-2 lyses A-lysogenic as well as A-sensitive bacteria. Immune-2 confers resistance both to A and to A-2. It does not, however, interfere with the maintenance of A in bac- teria already lysogenic. It is genetically separable from immune-1. A few addi- tional Z. coli stocks sensitive to A, or lysogenic for other phages, have been found. In an extensive survey, A itself has not recurred. 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