STANFORD UNIVERSITY STANFORD, CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS School of Medicine os March 17, 1959 Dear Boris: - I am enclosing a check for $135 — which is explained by the enclosed copy of the letter from Mann, I feel that TIT really should return the entire amount Since I have been quite uneasy about accepting something for nothing, and I did nothing to earn it. As I now understand that the 20% represents what would have been your own return from the ONPG there can hardly be any question about it. Just to be meticulous I am deducting #3 on account of my own expenses (postage and taxes). I was happy to be your agent in this, and would not think of charging you for it -- if it were just on Mann's account it might be a different story. Your galactoside~permease story continues to be quite exciting-- you will have to tell me how the permease serum worked out. By the way, Mel Cohn has had stronger evidence recently to confirm Esther's supposition that the receptor for lambda phage was the maltose permease, It should be quite reasonable that one coulki get an antibody aganist such a receptor, But I am still quite unease about the interpretation of permease as an entry rather than an accumulation. system; what are you considered thoughts on this? Len Herzenberg did have some fairly explicit evidence for splitting the entry and muktimt outflow steps (in B megaterium)-- he is, by the way, joining our staff this fall, but to work on tissue culture genetics. Right now he is working with Harry Eagle, I don't know what further variety of material we actually have, but as we are just now reaching the point of ' normal confusion! in setbling down we will give more thought to appropriate strains for your studiés. Please forgive the delays until now. ‘ As I understand your plans you are returning to Albany in August. We will be away from some time in May to perhaps the end of June. The simplest is to ignore our possible trips and write us here. The BIG NEWS now is that Seymour is married; his wife Victoria (Vicky) is just graduating at Brown Univ. and will be a graduate student with Luria (who is settling permanently at MIT). She had to turn down a scholarship at Rockefeller Institute to marry Seymour-- fair exchange. The date was Sunday -- the ix 15th. Give Raquelita our best remembrances, As ever Joshua Lederberg