July 21, 1953 Dear Borts: Whtle i was yolng over our correspondence to see if anything else should go with the anciosure, i noticed your ietter of Nay 3i, and no record of any answer to it. | must apologize very sincerely, and can only hope you will use your imagination In connection with the enclosure to understand some of the distractions. I don't really have any serious conment on tne Pardee & Trucco work; Strominger is very critleai of it on technical grousds=- i have nv strong opinions one way or the other. i have dene ncthing new with protuplasts In the last six months, having been aitesether preoccupied wich cul leborating with Cavalli on Interrupred mating analysis. | never got anything with onaw°x experinencs and an sure Chargaff is