f Che University of Melbuumerosm 26, 1967 Dear Hank: Carlton, Y3, AG Thanks for the comments on Bowdw! aomnusocript. To save time, I've made the most obvious changes, and the ms, directly on to J. Bact. It would be at least ac- ceptable in its present form, and I trust that Boris will have a chance to revise in the light of criticisms from the reviewers and from us. To that end, if you cared to, you might send your remarks directly to him-—~ you mgx may have had some further chance to think things over. In fact, the idea of a two-part system: a ‘permease' and an ‘accumulase' has some virtues— partioularly that azide etc. which inhibit the accumulation of TMG do not alter the glacto- sidase activity of intact cells. Neither the permease nor acougm- lase are very well-defined concepts——- to answer one of your own comments—— but there is little help for it now but to dignify these proposals of Monod's with at least some discussion, Esther and I are leaving Melbourne on the 3lst, and will take off from Perth on Nov. 6 for a quick trip through India. (Dave's shadow will of course have gone before.) In fact there may be any number of other Americans travelling the same way (from Tokyo)— at beast Kalckar and Kornbergs that I know of. We'll spend a week in Italy (vititing Cavalli at Milan) and then home before Thanksgiving, which will have its attractions too. sent But we can tell you about our trayels better when we do get home. Best regardep Yours, Joshua Lederberg