. r 26, 1957. ‘Dear Boris: . EM ath) . I have just now umanaged to get to your mB. (amidst prepara~ tions for leaving Melbourne and other responsibilities) and am about to send it directly to J. Bact. with some minor corrections on my part. I hope you will have an opportunity to make any neces— sary revisions after the reviewers have criticized it. In parti- cular, the emmument derivation of p.14 Para. 1 is a bit mysterious and should be clarified. The statement of the two ‘enzyme-liks systems' of p. 20, Para. 2 sould also be clarified something like the followings (begin with sentence 2): One would govern the entry of specifiic substrates into the cell; the second would accumulate the enmtered material to high concentrations. The permeation system would be specifically induced, but wouldnot require appreciable energy for its function. etc. Tho accunulatiion system, though requiring energy, need not be inducible t$f or highly specific etc, This is not the clearest way your thought can be cast-- in any @ase, I was not so sure of your thinking on this critical issue to want to take responsibility for restating it. I also, for the moment, deleted the next to last paregr. on p. 20 as I did not understand it. I also thought it uncrisp to allude so vaguely to the experiments which "were not encouraging? If you restore this Paragr., I suggest you be somewhat mpre specific. P. 14-— "(Lederverg, private communication)" : I would add "of, Cobn & Monod..." or mak whatever the reference is to their listing of these compounds-—— we don't have to emulate their own ungraciousness/ on this particular issue. If I can findthe reference myself (which is not too likely at short notice here) I'll put it in myself. P. 15 last Para. This is a rather disorganized statement of a lot of important information. It would almost warrant a separate subheading: interactions of cations and diverse sub-— strates, and a systematic listigg. In re effect of distilled water, did say NaCl restore activity? I would think the emphasis should be on the cation, not the maleic or phosphate. P.16 I would recommend leaving out Paragr. 4 but have left it in for the present. This is all for the moment. If all goes well, you should have the ms. back for revision in a month or so, If you would like to return it via Madison, I'll be glad to look at it again, but as both you and the Journal may be in a hurry, you could send it directly back to Porter. I have also suggested that he send you the proofs direc ay f this is impractical I will be glad to read thep. (I wit in Madison by Thanksgiving). Please let Hank and me know of y intentions with regard to reprints. I assume a fair number would be furchased bg the UW but let us knowDieet Lrrtrrraathie bf Bebenitprdentiago, ete. We will be en route to India by the time you get this, If anything urgent came up, you might contact us maWaZli in Milan, but we be homa not too long after. VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA " With best regards, oO . " : Yours, - > Jombua Lederberg