J Melbourne University Australia Che University of MettemAaw)997 Dear Roger: “ti 3, vec AG Under separate cover, I am forwa panguerirt by Dr. Boris Rotman, now of Santiago, Chile, ony ion of enzymatic activity in the intact cell". Dr. Rotman aia not know that I was in Australia, and his sending the ms to Madison, its forwarding here, and the time it took me to get around to looking it over have already imposed a delay of a good many weeks. I hope that Dr. Rotman will be given the opportunity of making revisions on the basis of criticisms from the Jourml's reviewers, and from myself as well. He authorized me to make the minor correc- tions that appear on the ms. being sent to you directly. After review, the ms. should be sent to Dr. Rotman at the ‘present address’ given thereon. As to proof, he authorizes me to read and correct it in his place, but I hope it will be feasible again to refer directly to him. ' If the condition of the ms. occasions any trouble, please refer it to the Genetics Dept. Secy. in Madison (Mrs. Bette Rehovetz) who will lock after the retyping. I do not believe this will be necessary; it may depend how wkk well the ms. survives the trip. In my mpt own opinion, the contribution is an excellent one, though a bit awkwardly stated in places. However, I believe he (and the Journal) should have the benefit of review by a detached referee. Esther and I will have left Melbourne by the time you receive this, and will be gadually wending our way home via India and Burope. Phe deptl. office in Madison will continue to route my correspondence (preferably as aerograms which can be forwarded directly.) We should be home in just about one month from now. Y Hpigyacerely, pshus Lederberg