Oct. 10, 1957 Dear Boriis: Yours of Sept. 30 just received. It was very thoughtful of you to ask us to return via Chile, but I am afraid that would be impossible as past of this trip. I hastened to tell you this, so that you do not go to further fraitless trouble, We are travelling entirely by air, and there just is no direct service from Australia to South America, incredible as that may sound. The nearest connection we could make would be via Hawaii and then Los Angeles; the }Jatter ss hardly closer than Chicago. It might be an anteresting experience, and perhaps we can discuss it at some later date (after we have recovered from our present travels.) / According to our present itinerary, we will leave Melbourne Oct 31; for the next few weeks we will be returning home and our mail will be rather disorganized. Probably, you would do best during November to address any correspondence to Madison to await our return. _I wrote Madison about your cultures & just hope they had enough sense to gend them by air. I will renew the matter in my next letter. I am very pleased to hear you could get your PHS grant; try for some more wext time if it wouldhelp you. - oe SO ... Sol had told me of the protoplast behavior; since the protoplasts Can grow as L-forms ( we have just sent in our paper on this to JBact) they must have a regulatory mechanism, presumably in the living mem brane rather than the inert wall. Perhaps a fraction of your propoplasts were inviable or permeable-- you wouldbe measuring this fraction, while ~ Rickenberg measures the reust! . , St . oO Your ms. has just arrived from Madison. I will give it earliest attention and write you further as necessary. OF best to Raquelita and Jessica. : an Sadero>— 7 . Joshua Lederberg