Bacteriology Dept. September 16, 1957 Ka ert hl Deer Boris: Your letter of August 31 has just reached here, having been forwarded directly from Madison. I do not know whether or not the ms. will also be forwerded and i am in some indecision about whether to write for it. It is too bad we have not xert in closer touch, if only to avoid this embarrassment. We have been trevelling so much this year7z that is one 6f the daifficultics. We left Madison August 1, and will be here at least until November 2, reaching hom either in a lew days, or at any rate no later than the end of xagxmom Jovember. Tnis depdng on whether we plan our trip to return directly across tne Facific, or to make a tour through india on and to visit Cavalli in Italy. I am really delignted that you have done the iss. on the lactese activation, and am very sorry that there is this vresent difficulty. You should have this letter in a week or so, say about September 244. So there won't he much time fer any exchange cf xaxkuxex many letters. t instruct I think the sdmplest thing would ba" For natte to forward tHe ms. to me here, if sne doesn't do it herself. Then it will be here ashy by Octower 1. I will read it, and if none but minor changes ere incicated, I will send it on to Porter directly from here. He should then have it by October 15 at the latest. That would sate at least a month over putting it off tili our return. 2 telling So I will write Bette immediately, als € mee to give Hank, her to make an imprassi on oopy of the and I will also ask for his comments. It is good to hear that Raquel is over her difficultte ties; please give her our best. No IT can't give you any suggestions about isolating nuckbi from &. coki protoplasts: it didn’t work for me, You might ask Sol if ha has any helpful suggestions. gsther and I are here as Fulbright fellows; I do a little teaching, and am also working for the time in Burnet's lab. here. Mail will reach us promptly at the above address. Yours.