August 31, 1956 Dear Boris: Your letter #2, 8/27/56, just received. This is the first I have had from you in Chile. I am glad you are learning the problems of being an "administrator" but fiope they won't keep you too long from research. Monod sent 2 iu. a few weeks ago on "galactoside-permease' (i.e., the ny"! system.)I am far from convinced that the accumulation of TMG has anything to do with the rate of its penetration. He says that it is inhibited (both in formation and in action by azide or DNP) but ignores the fact (£ think we agroe on this)that azide doas not influences NPGase activity of intact cells. I have passed the ms. on to Sol with instructions for him to forward it to you. It would be weful, but not essential, for you to see it in connection with the discussion of your paper on activation (which I hope you are busy writing). In the lab., Sol has switched entirely over fo K-12 protoplasts , and I have been busy making and sending him various mtant stocks. He thinks he can used RNA fren Lact+ to repair the formation of NPGase by protonlasts of Lac but I hope this is a real result. Since returning from vacation and fihishing the pile of paperwork on myddesk, I ve been busy with the propagation of protoplasts as L-forms. Dienes actually has a nearly intel- ligible peper an this (J. Buct., May 1949). The protoplasts will form small Lecolonies in agar, apparently by budding, though they will not divide in liquid. The cenditicna for this are very tricky; I am trying to work them out now. I will be quite happy to function as your agent on the terms of your letter. I will arrange to have the mil forwarded to me right away. If the P.O. gives any trouble, I will write you for a letter of authorization. Should I wait to hear from Mann before forwarding ordsrs to than? There were a few orders which I did Mmndle for you already (Bernie 1 gram; Dexter, 2 gis. — the small funds as "commission" from this sight be oe for incidental expenses; e.¢., $3.36 for shipping charges to Mann. I am not exactly clear how the billing will be lendled for orders through the Q.C. Ltda. Will Mann take care of the invoice, or should the invoice be sent from here? Are there any current accounts to worry about? Do you have a bank account here?(into which to make any deposits)? And if you do confirm the arrangement, it might be important for ms to have from you a "letter of agency". A man from DuPont called a few weeks ago- unfortunately I did not get his name, but he is one of your previous customers. His Letter to Q.C. had been forwarded to Mann, and they quoted him a price of $30 per gram. If you heve a definite agreement with Mann about the price, or at least that Q.C. can accept orders at $20, he should be notified of this. Can you get me his name? (He was mther annoyed at the price rise: I told him to fill his immediate needs with Mann, and to get back in touch with me for further requirem nts). We had hoped Raquel would be stinmlated by returning home, & eee Tee dh we 2b Bee LA RP lee