Dr. Leslie Hedrick Biclogy Departaent Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago 16, Illinois Dear Dr. Hedrick: I am very happy to comment on Dr. boris Rotnany> qualifications. He is an outstanding research worker, with unusual facility both in experiments]. design end exaention In a vactety of fields. Hs has already made 9n outstanding contribution in his etulies, with Professor Spiegelman, on the source of the aminc acid constituents of iedly syne thesized bacterial enzymes-- I am sure that Dr. Spiegelman would be pre~ pared to admit. the principal role that Rotman played in the czarying out of those elegant experiments. To put it in a nutshell, Rotman is just about the ..st resourceful lab min that I know, and his experliental skill is matched by a high order of independent Luaagination and intelligenca in the reccghition cf probleme und in their solution. He ulsc has an unusually highgstandard of scientific integrity, which has repeatedly motivated him tc do that “noxt expertnent” which groves to Le one too many, that is for the simple understanding that one might have been Geludea inte believing. This is the main reason that Rotman has act achieved a wider reputation, berond the circle of those who know his work well. Qn the negative side (and there is one for any candidate, whether it is emphasized or not), Rotman probably would not be a very effactive teacher in a progran that neceasitated his giving frequent lectures. He has a definite speech impediment which is aggravated under strain. However, Ido not beldwse this would diminish his usefulwess ss an occaaional lece turer on special topies, or as an instructormin a laboratory course: his really unusual abilitigs there would make hia particularly valuable in a graduate program. It would please ms very much if a permanent position were available for Dr. Rotman on this canupus; falling that, I hope that e he can find himself a place for the realization of his apecial talents. Dr/ Rotman was born in Argentina, bat was raised in Chile and considered himeelf a Chilean National prior tc his naturalization as a U.S. citizen recently, He has, however, been attracted by the possibility of accepting a position on a university faculty in Chile: this might be an attractive opportunity in some respects, though he may face considerable obstacles in pursuing his research program. I mantion this to you primarily to indi- cate that you should communicate with him before too long if ycu are interested in him. With beat regards, Yours sinceraly, Jorshma ladarhare. Profaaanr of fanaticea