April 6, 1952 Dear Rothfels: One of my stulents accidentally ran into leucine-inhibition story again, as mentioned in the ms. of your paper to Genetics on the Lag-Vy-L-T linkage. I haven't done much more about it, but we did find that K-12 itself (also 580161) is inhibited by leveine. In liquid minimal mediun aubetantial inhibition is seen at 100 ug/ml, but was noticeable at less. As you noted, the inhibition ie relieved by amino acids. I do not know whether this has any very direct bearing on L, , except that we are probably running inteqquantitative modifiers, rather than a sharp serre- gation. Your interpretation of the origin of vi eeems more reasonable than ever. If we are dealing with an amino acid balance, it seems quite likely that an increased response to leusine qua growth factor would be accompanied by an increased sensitivity to it qua aeae antagonist. Con- celwably, it might be worth while to clarify this possibility in a foot- note; Orow tells me this could be done. Otherwise, the whole matter may well be buried, which might be just as well also. Some aspects of K-12 sex are very active aguin. “e're collaborating with Cavalli on this. The enclosure gives part of the story. More recently it looks as if F+ x Fe orosses involve either a relative sexuality situation, or phenotypic variability in a so-ealled f+ oulture. The whole T-L- line, starting from 679-660, is F-. The perturbed segregathon behavior of filial T-L- stocks is a consequence of their being F+, which throws out this evidence for chromosomal aberration. The Mal-S elimination seens to be a regular feature, and ite direction is likely determined by the polarity of the parents with respect to F. The segment from the F+ parent (relative or absolute) ie the one which 4s cast out. I shouldn't be surprised 4f this segnent is a whole chromosome or chromosare arm (if there is any residual atructural heterozygosity, 1t amounts to the same thing), and the whole story looka more and more like Sefara coprophila. Hayes! experiments (Nature, Jan '52) fit in very well, though not those partioular interpretations, which he seers to be revising drastically himself. Just now, I'm looking again at Cavalli's old Hfr strains, with very promising results. Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg PS~ 5-161