MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY FoR NUCLEAR SCIENCE CAMBRIDGE 39, MASSACHUSETTS Rm. 26-569 May 15, 1959 Dr. Joshua Lederberg L. L. Cavalli-Sforza Fatebenesorelle 18 Milan, Italy Dear Dr. Lederberg: Just a note to tell you about our last meet- ing. In the first place, everybody on the Space Science Board was very impressed with the work of your group in planetary biology, and there was a unanimous opinion that your future program must receive fullest support. It seems that the Space Science Board itself can finance the meetings, To facilitate this matter, it is desirable to establish more formal ties between yourself and the Board. The natural thing to do was to ask you to become a member of Hartline's committee, end I understand that George Derbyshire has been in touch with you on this matter. TI would like to emphasize that the members of my own committee are as interested as ever in your work and wish to continue to keep in close touch with you, I understand also that your other two proposals have been passed along to N.A.S.A. with a strong recommendation for speedy action. I am afraid this was the only thing we could do because the Board does not have funds to support research activities, There is only one more thing I would like to add, Chandrasekar was here and in discussing space science, the name of Sagan came up. Chandrasekar seems to have a rather poor opinion of this man, He admits that his information is Second-hand and he Dr. Joshua Lederberg /2/ May 15, 1959 syas that other people at Yerkes, particularly Joseph Chamberlain, are in a better position than him to evaluate Sagan's ability and competence. I thought that I would pass this information on to you before you make any long-range committment with Sagan. I hope you will have a pleasant time in Europe and that I may see you in the near future. With best wishes, Sincerely yourss / Aa Bruno Rossi BR=n