XX Department of Genetics February 7, 1959 Dr. Bruno Rossi Massachusetts Institute of Technology Laboratory for Nuclear Sclence Cambridge 39, Massachusetts Dear Dr. Rossi: | am sure that Gold and Lurigwil!l have mentioned their visits and hope their reports constitute a sufficient reply to yours of the l2th. In any case | will be very pleased to try to conduct a West Coast regional discussion and will keep you closely informed. 1! have only just settled down here to the. point where |! can catch up on my correspondence. Stanier and | have discussed an early meeting and are planning to hold one on February 20 or 2] per the attached roster. Unfortunately, Urey cannot come and his collegue Suess is out of the country. We have stressed @ compact group that could conveniently get together on future occasions. it is very gratifyingkto see that planetary blology may now get the attention It deserves and | am especially delighted in your own frterest. | have not yet received the minutes of your: second meeting and hope | might get enough coples of both the first and second to distribute to the Western conference. Yours sincerely, Joshua Ledetberg Professor of Genetics JLstjr