MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY For NUCLEAR SCIENCE CAMBRIDGE 39, MASSACHUSETTS 26/569 January 12, 1959 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Dept. of Biology Stanford University Palo Alto, California Dear Dr. Lederberg: Thank you for your letter of December 2th and for the suggestion of getting Professor Casperson interested in the problem of detection of life on other Planets. I have talked it over with Sal Luria and he agrees that it might be a good idea, As you probably know, Luria will be on the West Coast at the end of this month and he is planning to discuss this matter with you at that time. We had a couple of informal meetings on the problem of extra~terrestiral life. I am enclosing some notes summarizing the discussion of the first meeting and I shall send you a similar summary of the second meeting as soon as it is available, I think it would be very useful if other meetings such as ours were held in other parts of the country and I thought that perhaps you and Dr. Stanier might be willing to organize such a meeting in California in the near future. Then your group and ours could ex change notes and perhaps come up with some definite proposals. With best wishes, Sincerely yours, 7B Ue Ren Bruno Rossi BRen Encl,