THE UNITED BIRMINGHAM HOSPITALS THE CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL (King Edward VII Memorial) TELEPHONE: . LADYWOOD ROAD, EDGeaston aa. ag PS BIRMINGHAM, 16. Your ref. /mg; 2lst December, 1953. Dear Professor Lederberg, Thank you very much for your letter. I hope I have understood exactly what you require. Dr. Nicolle has carried out some phage typing for me on the Serotypes Q.111 and 0.55 and I will send you different phage types of these two serotypes. i will include the origin of Specimens and the date of isolation. I think it might be best if I delayed sending these until after Christmas as our post offices are rather liable to be jammed-up at this time of the year. In the meantime perhaps you would consider whether you would like any of the other serotypes that we have found associated with epidemics. In particular the ones I thought of were strains that plagued us two years ago, which fit into Kauffmann's scheme as 0.114. Our name for these was Shore, that being the first patient's name. This organism has been associated with white scours and Dr. Joan Taylor and Mrs. Charter have carried out quite extensive work on it. Recently we have had quite a severe epidemic with an entirely new strain which has not been assigned with Kauffmann's 0 type yet. Our name for this at the moment is Cigleris, again the name of the first patient whose strain was used to immunise a rabbit. Yours sincerely, wdc iT Cm—pAn tz f BR Sinen, (K.B. Rogers) Clinical Pathologist Professor J. Lederparg, Associate Professor of Genstics, Genetics Department, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin. U.S.A.