AMERICAN (yanamid COMPANY 7 1937 WEST MAIN ST. TELEPHONE STAMFORD, CONN. STAMFORD 4-614I January 11, 1952 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin College of Agriculture Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Josh: During a visit to our laboratories several months ago, Rernard Davis mentioned the fact that you had developed a method of preserving bacterial cultures using silica gel, which appesrs to be much more convenient than the usual method of freeze-drying. We would appreciate any information you could give us concerning the details of your method and experiences relating to the probable life of the preserved cultures. With best regards, Sincerely yours, R. R. Roepke RRR:mmn Chemotherapy Division GENERAL OFFICES: 30 ROCKEFELLER PLAZA- NEW YORK 20-N-Y-