January 7, 1959 Or. C. F. Robinow Bacteriology Laboratory University of Western Ontario Victoria Hospital London, Ontario, Canada Dear Cari: We are setting out for Stanford University In Just two weeks, but perhaps this leaves Just enough time for an exchange of correspondence here. I'm writing just to ask you whether you have published your findings on direct nuclear division tn fungi, which you discussed with me at my last visit some time ago and which Is mentioned briefly in your review In Bacterlological Reviews for December, 1956. Or. Margaret Blackwood has been visiting Brink In this department, having come from Melbourne. She is goIng on to spedd several months with Catheside at Birmingham and 1 have been trying to Interest her in the question of Mitosis In Neurospora. No one doubts the technical problems of dealing with this material, but In view of the immense atount of genetic work and the knowledge of the mefotic chromosomes of neurospora, one feels that there might be roon for competent cytology with this fungus. Shae sen rm oe 1g Pe E z # ye It has been some little while since we have done any serious cytology and 1 am a little sorry about this slmce | am certain that we have never fully exploited the resources of optical microscopy even for such a difficult problem as fertilization, Happily 1 have a new student coming directly to Stanford next month, Mr. A. T. Ganesan, whose past record Is very promising for making ' Some sense out of this problem. After we have been eu. it awhile, ft hope we may : have some occasion to get together and discuss the results. {s there any likel hood of your finding yourself In California In the near future? If so, | hope you will not neglect an Opportunity to visit us at our new location. We will, however, be away from Apri] through June. fd? With best wishes, As ever, Joshua Lederberg Jlsmk