THE UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO FACULTY OF MEDICINE DEPARTMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY THE HAMILTON KING MEEK MEMORIAL LABORATORY 375 SOUTH STREET, LONDON, CANADA July 20, 1953 Dr. Joshua Lederberg, Department of Genetics, College of Agriculture, The University of Wisconsin, MADISON 6, Wisconsin, U.S.A. Dear Joshua: No, I have never seen E. coli paired in the manner of your interesting photograph. Two things come to the mind: Stanp's Phytomonas stars and the "H" shaped forms which Neumann described (1941, Centralbl. Bakt. II, 103, 385). But he may have been looking at "large bodies". I should try to watch thepbehaviour Qwwyaduring life at the shallow edge of a hanging drop. Thanks for letting me see this and let me know what you find out about it. > Sincerely, C-RoSSnenr CRimi G. Robinow