THE UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO FACULTY OF MEDICINE DEPARTMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY THE HAMILTON KING MEEK MEMORIAL LABORATORY 375 SoutH STREET, LONDON, CANADA November 9,1950 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics The University of Wisconsin *uyeues College of Agriculture TLT¢S sBeus [woTuyooy. yeum omoo7zeso Madison 6 aoos [TJM nof sune we J *syserzU0O poo esey pue daxeys ete sydersozoud unox *g*g Dear Lederberg, Many thanks for allowing me to share in the pleasure of looking at your interesting coli preparations. The chromatin structures of H 226 are impressively larger and optically better re xlved than those in the haploid strain. Murray and I both feel that some c. the bacteria in the picture of # 226 lo indeed more like B.cereus than anything we are used to find in ordinary strains of E.coli. Nevertheless, the number of chromatinic complexes per bacterium and the number and mode of arrangement of rodlets and granules in individual complexes does not seem to exceed what is normally *ound in large bacteria. A glanc at figs. 60 and 61 on plate II of ByDel._ orte's article in Adv.i.Genetics III,(1950) will bear this out. I have indicated with 7 and what I believe to be bacteria with comparable chromatinic configurations in your two photographs. "cf.fig.3,1944" and "figse5,6 1944" refers to plate 5 of my 1944 paper in the JeHyge In short, I think there is probably the same number of granules and dumbbells per nuclear structure in both forms and that the two strains differ only in kim size. I enclose a picture of S.sonnei, from a preparation by Murray, as a further illustration that the H 226-type of nuclear structure igs similar to what is normally found in relatively large, but presumably xargxa haploid, bacteria. The preparation had not been hydrolysed and was Stained with thionine, hence the nuclei are shown in relief, Owing to the presence of about 7 musSpik meg/ml of chloromycetin in the medium the arrangement of the nuclear structures in these cells is, in places, slightly abnormal {you will note incipient snake formation) but the detail of individual nuclear complexes is still the same as in normal material. Are you satisfied that the preparation of K 12 shows all there is to be seen ? The photograph looks a bit as if, after the osmiun, the cells had & not been allowed to dry, and thereby flatten out, long enough before being fixed with alcohol. Fully flattened cells might show one more closely resembling, en miniature, the chromatin structures of H 226. Hoping that ny impressions are not too much at variance with your own conclusions and with renewed thanks sincerely yours C. 7b Phen