October 7, 1953 Dear Dr. Rizet: We have been folowing your work on Podospora with the greatest interest. I hope you will continue to favor me with reprints dealing with it. Our labo. group recently held a seminar, during which some questions came up that I ask to bring to your attention, I would not exclude the possibility that they have been dealt with your two reviews (Rev. Cytol. Biol. Veg. 1949 and 1952), and I hope| that, if so, you will forgive our overlooking this. In connection with the formation +/-, should any serious attention be given, o gular (atypical) r typically dikaryotic possibility that ction of the centro- nh once suggestéd that a amall mere at the first division. para-centric inversion might s a¢ ySuch an inversion might also omere and the marker]. This vs the assumption of a regular, thé Only criterion I can visualize at j\aarker on the "sex"—chromosome which showing that the centromere (or some hypothesis is, a préori, no less atte single crossover near the cpntromere. the instant would be the be e did show regular first—di point at least) mst do \ We were especially rested in tHe barrage results [e.g. in view of pos- sible connections with thi ective’F+ factor in E. coli:: I hope Professor Ephrussi will ha orwarded “to you addrgssed under cover to him]. If I understand 7 onelusion;-it is that the s produced from crosses of S x 8 obtain age of some "plasmid" from S to s. However, you note that the resh}{t is the safe regardless of the sexual polarity (with respect to ascogonia/spekmatia) of thé cross, while the results of s x s are affected by x. wever that you emphasize that it is the issue of the Ss heterozygotes ay show the s* type, so perhaps I have oversimplified your would be mech more readily compatible with a slightly different scheme, your views on which [if not already given] would be of eon&éderable interest here: Let us assume that it is 3 (rather than S) which carries a plasmid g, and that f is in jf a sense essentially inviable in the presence of the S gene. The s5 genopype would #gk then differ from the originalxx s in completely lor im view of occasional spontaneous reversions] st completely] lacking 4. This might be comparable to the relationship s ppa not to K but to other "sensitivity genes" in Paramedium. Alterngtavély, S might carry an alternative plasmid g which competes against 4 it Sata Esag type, but this is a needless miltiplication pf particles. To explain raion, one mist assume either a de movo initiation of g# from another source, or its persistencg at a very low level. Induced reversion would be simply the "&nfection" cf s€lackingYgs)with #. One could then state that barrage results from the confrontation ofhyphae carrying g and S respectively. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederbérg