October 7, 1954 Dr. Bavid Rittenberg Department of Biochemistry Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons New York 32, N.Y. Dear Dave: Thank you for your letter of the 4th. Of course I would be delighted to accept your invitation. Unfortunately, I hardly ever find myself in New York City, and could not predict, at the moment, when the next occa- sion would be. When an opportunity does come up, I'll let you know in time to confirm the arrangement. It was good to see you again at joods Hole. I have thought a little, as you asked, about your suggested conference on "organization". If do not fini myself any more optimistic about the probable benefits than I was then. I do not think that a conference limited in time and scope can do mich to break down the communication barriers. But isn't this what one of the functions of a University should be: a community of scholars in different fields. Surely Columbia University has resources broad enough so that an intramral"seminar" (not quite the right description) would make the same progress. I know how hard it is to communicate with one's own colleagues, but if you don't achieve the full benefit from contacts that can be continued over a long time, I think the proppects of a special conference would be even less. Such a group could, I think, then use a little f@nancial help mich more effectively to import occasional outside guests who would have some special stimulation for you. Please don't read any special connection between this sugeestion and the first paragraph above. Yours sincerely. _Soshua Lederberg